Troup Head visit.

I was a bit of a late arrival for the RSPB "day out" at Troup Head and thought that I had maybe missed most of the action after turning up at 14.30. There were plenty vehicles in the car park but not so much people to be seen at the cliffs. I was lucky enough to meet in with David Parnaby who was able to spend some time with me and explain various things that were happening along Troup Head. In fact, it was down to his keen eye that I spotted my first Puffins at Troup Head in over a couple of years so was well pleased. Add to that my first "official" sightings of Meadow Pipits which were hanging about close to the fields at the reserve. Later I was able to have a go with a proper birding scope which was an added bonus and finished off my day nicely. My thanks to David for his time in answering some of my questions and for the use of his scope. Hopefully I will be able to upload some of my better photos taken at the reserve over the last few years.

Oh, and for those who are interested I have listed the birds that were seen by myself at Troup Head just to give you a flavour of what can be seen there.

Gannet, Razor Bill, Puffin, Guillemot, Fulmar, Kittiwake, Herring Gull, Crow, Meadow Pipit, Skylark, wagtail, Yellowhammer.

Not bad for a couple of hours viewing!



"Are you sure it's not one of them?"