First visit to Titchwell

With my partner and Essex RSPB, yesterday I made my first visit to RSPB Titchwell, and my first visit to Norfolk.  
I really enjoyed it, as did we all!  Jack Snipe, Snipe, Little Egret, Common Seal, juvenile Gannets, Black-tailed
and Bar-tailed Godwits, Redshank, lots of ducks for me to try and identify, which I will learn eventually! (Teal, Pintail, Wigeon).
We found a very friendly Black-headed Gull, and I think I saw a bumblebee flying past, however it went too quickly
in the windy weather to be identified.  Towards the end of the day, we enjoyed observing a Jay, Green- Gold- and
Chaffinches, and a Dunnock in the hedgerows.  All in all, we saw 52 species of bird!

Look forward to our next visit, where we will hopefully catch the Shorelark and Snow Bunting.

Natalie Windsor


  • I'm pleased you had a good day, Natalie - Titchwell is a lovely reserve.  Sounds like you saw some beautiful birds!  My fingers are crossed for your next visit.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Hi Natalie

    Sounds like you have a really good visit to the reserve and saw a very nice selection of wildlife.

    We have been starting to see the odd shorelark and snow bunting on the reserve in the last few days so there is a good chance of catching up with them on your next visit.

    Feel free to send us a message of you would like up-to-date news before your next visit
