Fox eating from the feeder

My name is Josh McGowan, I join the volunteers every week as part of my college work placement and every month I go to the Saltholme phoenix
group. Recently I’ve brought my camcorder to film the migrant birds that have been popular such as the waxwings.  


Earlier in the week the waxwings were busy feeding on the berries still on the hawthorn bushes. The thing that was really enjoyable to see was a red fox going past the visitors centre and stopping off at the bird feeding station, it was on its hind legs with its paws on the bird feeder feet perches eating the seeds, and you can see this on the video above. After a few minutes it stretched and wandered off, the fox has done this more than once now.

Along the path towards the wildlife watch point I have seen a small and very fast weasel, it ran over the path into grass and out of sight. At the wildlife watch point, many gold finches, blue tits and several starlings can be seen at the feeders.
