Pair of Mediterranean Gulls have bred and nested for the first time ever at RSPB Saltholme and also had 2 young chicks at Saltholme this year 2021

  A lot of news this year 2021 from my various visits to RSPB Saltholme by bus from Newcastle Upon Tyne. The first is in the title above and also again this year at the RSPB’s small satellite reserve Dorman’s Pool, Bearded Tits have for the second year running have had 2 pairs of Bearded Tits breeding with nests at Dorman’s Pool and one pair have had around 4 young. Last year in 2020 and for the first time ever, two pairs of Bearded Tits that bred and nested at Dorman’s Pool had nine young between 2 pairs that successfully fledged from 2 pairs. Also a Caspian Tern had turned up at Saltholme yesterday and in one of the hides it apparently was manic and I avoided that hide completely as I’m not a twitcher and didn’t even know about the CaspianTern at Saltholme until I arrived at the reception at the visitor centre yesterday. But an excellent day birdwatching and with the Saltholme reserve been so big I know which of the quieter parts at Saltholme to visit of which I only saw 2 other people around. The main areas where jam packed yesterday of which I mainly avoided for most of the time and I walked about 4 miles plus. Enjoyable day yesterday. Above is the private road called Huntman’s Drive which is the only access road of the main up-to RSPB Dorman’s Pool. A short way up on the left hand hand side is a very small car park. When you exit with your car from the main Saltholme reserve, turn right on-to the main road and then of the main road you take your car up on the first road turning left which is Huntsman Drive which leads to a lot of industrial sights. Make sure you have your membership cards as on two occasions I have been stopped by security guards from the industrials factories further on up Huntmans Drive. Only RSPB Members and Members of the Teesmouth Bird Club are allowed access. Teesmouth Bird Club members where allowed access before Dorman’s Pool became an RSPB reserve and that still continues.

