Howard Vaughan, Information Officer

  • Hi Ian...  thanks for the question.....

    Our entrance fee here has been fixed at £3 for some considerable time, and we believe £5 still represents very good value – giving access to over 2 miles of nature trail, 4 hides, and other various features. The rise is in line with a national review of entrance fees on our reserves - sadly, nature conservation does not come cheap. Members and local residents continue to enjoy free access and the walk along the river wall continues to be available freely to all. All the best, Howard

    Howard Vaughan, Information Officer

  • Hi Ian...  thanks for the question.....

    Our entrance fee here has been fixed at £3 for some considerable time, and we believe £5 still represents very good value – giving access to over 2 miles of nature trail, 4 hides, and other various features. The rise is in line with a national review of entrance fees on our reserves - sadly, nature conservation does not come cheap. Members and local residents continue to enjoy free access and the walk along the river wall continues to be available freely to all. All the best, Howard

    Howard Vaughan, Information Officer

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