• Recent Sightings Friday 21st February – The Stormcock

    Thanks to volunteer Phil for his blog and photos.

    On a beautiful sunny day that started with a chill in the air and then increasingly felt like Spring I returned to the Visitor Centre up the Zigzag Path accompanied by the sound of a song thrush loudly proclaiming its territory. However, the more I listened the more I had the feeling that something was not quite right. Somehow the typical repeated phrases of the song thrush…

  • Sunday 20 February - site closed

    Due to damage caused by Storm Eunice, including damage to the roof of one of the hides and fallen trees, we'll be closed on Sunday 20 February.

    With high winds expected again all afternoon the car park, visitor centre and nature trails will be closed.


    We'll update on the situation on Monday morning.

  • Site closed due to weather warning for high winds - Friday 18 February

    Due to a weather warning for high winds, we will be closed on Friday 18 February. We will re-open as soon as possible following safety checks. Please check for updates before visiting.

  • Recent Sightings Friday 11 February – Going out to bat

    Volunteer Phil recounts a rather unusual wildlife sighting for February in his latest blog...

    This day proved bright and very sunny, looking very like spring, but chilly and still feeling like winter.

    Around lunchtime I was looking out over the North Brooks from the hairpin bend above Jupps View in the company of 2 visitors. We were discussing the presence of a ruff feeding close to the lapwings, seen here in this photo…

  • Needle in a haystack - the search for a golden plover

    Many thanks to volunteer John for his account of a morning's birding at the reserve.

    Along the zigzag we had the pleasure of seeing three bullfinches feeding in bright sunshine while a couple of greenfinch wheezed their spring song. Much of the way round was accompanied by the persistent song of several song thrushes and the general volume of birdsong was quite noticeable.

    Song thrush by Anne Harwood.

    From the t…

  • Big Garden Birdwatch - what will you see?

    Our new Visitor Experience Officer, Lydia, now reveals the top 5 in our Big Garden Birdwatch usual suspects list...

    We're getting excited about this weekend's Big Garden Birdwatch - we can't wait to see which species will be top of the charts at our bird feeding station.  Could it be the chirpy house sparrow, or will it be the brilliant blue tit?

    Last week's blog introduced you to the birds at 10 down to 6…

  • Be wowed by your local wildlife - get ready for Big Garden Birdwatch.

    It’s January and that only means one thing, it’s time for the Big Garden Birdwatch! Our new Visitor Experience Officer, Lydia, explains how to get involved and introduces you to some of the usual suspects!

    Over the last 43 years the Big Garden Birdwatch has become one of the largest wildlife surveys and is really one of a kind. The magnitude of data collected over this time has given us a unique insight into…

  • Changes to car parking at Pulborough Brooks from 31 January 2022

    Introduction of parking charges at RSPB Pulborough Brooks
  • Cafe closed this weekend - Sat 18 & Sun 19 December

    We're sorry that due to staff illness the cafe will be closed this weekend. Nature trails, shop and toilets open as normal.

  • Recent sightings Friday 10 December – anything but a lesser spotted woodpecker

    Thanks to volunteer Phil for his report and photos - recent sightings Friday 10 December – anything but a lesser spotted woodpecker

    In the afternoon of Friday 3 December I overheard a radio conversation about a lesser spotted woodpecker seen clearly at the Pipe Pond. Now in 35 years of birding the lesser spotted woodpecker feels like a mythical creature for me. I have looked for them on several occasions without success…

  • Festive opening hours

    Photo: Robin by Graham Osborne

    If you're planning to visit us over the festive period, here are the details you'll need on when our facilities will be open.

    • 23 December:  Visitor centre, shop, café and toilets open, 10 am-4pm. The car park and nature reserve will close at 4 pm when the access gates will be locked.
    • Christmas Eve: car park, nature reserve, visitor centre, shop, café and toilets cl…
  • Cafe closed tomorrow (Wednesday 15 December)

    We're sorry that we won't be able to open our cafe tomorrow due to staff illness.

    Please be aware that there may be further closures later in the week as a result.

    Welcome, shop, toilets and trails open as usual.

  • A very uncommon crane - volunteer Phil recounts a day with an unusual but welcome addition to his sightings list.

    A very uncommon crane - volunteer Phil recounts a day with an unusual but welcome addition to his sightings list.

    On Friday 12 November I arrived on a damp and dismal morning and, with a strong south westerly blowing, and resolved to seek shelter from the rain and wind in Nettley’s Hide until the weather faired up. First however I dropped by the Hanger for a brief check on the presence of a peregrine in the willow tree…

  • Great spot! Exciting sightings of lesser spotted woodpecker

    Thanks to volunteer Rob King for his article.

    There has been much excitement recently at RSPB Pulborough Brooks due to a spate of sightings of a rarely seen woodpecker; the lesser spotted woodpecker.

    There are three native woodpecker species in the UK. Let’s meet them.

    The green woodpecker is a large, predominantly green, bird which often betrays its presence by a “yaffle” – a laugh-like call. They are frequently…

  • Blues and twos - wildlife sightings from a mid-week walk

    Thank you to volunteer John for his report:

    This lovely sunny day brought out the birds and the birders at Pulborough. Ted and I met so many people there it was like the old pre-covid days.

    Our first survey of the newly ploughed field and the brooks revealed little except a lone mistle thrush on the top of the big oak which was briefly joined by a redwing. Into West Mead hide and the water levels have gone down in the…

  • Celebrate your inner Robin on our adventure trail this Christmas

    (Credit Aardman/Netflix).  

    We’re delighted to be partnering with Netflix and Aardman on Robin Robin, a half-hour, stop-motion, festive story for the whole family, about a young robin trying to fit in. It’s debuting on Netflix on 24 November – get the date in your diary! 

    To celebrate, we’re inviting you to join exclusive Robin Robin-themed adventure trails right here at Pulborough Brooks this Christmas season…

  • Notice of temporary hide closure - Sun 21 November

    Notice of temporary hide closure - Sunday 21 November 11am - 12.30pm.

    West Mead hide will be closed for a couple of hours whilst it is in use on a reserve event. All other hides and viewpoints remain open.

  • Winter wetland and birding for beginners events

    Our wetlands are at their best in the winter months - teeming with ducks, geese and wading birds. We're offering special 'hire a guide' events to help you enjoy the wonderful winter wetlands.

    We're offering a 'dawn of the ducks' experience and a 'birding for beginners' workshop as 'hire a guide' events so you'll have a dedicated guide and private use of one of the hides. This means that you'll be in a small…

  • A satisfying Sunday...wildlife sightings from the weekend

    Thanks to volunteer Graham for his wildlife highlights and photos...

    Some fine weather, a good selection of birds and plenty of visitors resulted in yet another very satisfying Sunday at Pulborough Brooks. 

    Sightings of three (or more?) marsh harriers and at least three peregrines on the South Brooks were the highlights of the day. Although I was not able to obtain satisfactory photos of either of these two species I did…

  • Autumn arrivals

    Thanks to volunteer Phil for his sightings report and photos.

    There was plenty of interest on the reserve.   A bank vole was feeding on some seed I put out on the logs at Fattengates courtyard at the request of a lady who had popped in hoping to find one.

    I was pleased to see the new diggings at West Mead and Winpenny were looking very good, now with plenty of water and starting to green up.    There wasn’t much bird life…

  • merlin, marsh harrier and mushrooms

    Highlights from today's wildlife sightings list are a merlin and a marsh harrier. The number of ducks, wigeon, teal, pintail and shoveler is increasing daily as they arrive to enjoy our wetlands (which are now very wet).

    Here's the sightings list from today (and yesterday):

    Meanwhile, out on the wooded heath the rain has done a good job at prompting some marvellous mushrooms to pop up amongst the leaf litter…

  • Fascinated by fungi? Follow our self-led trail this October

    Many of you will be pleased to learn that I started to set up our fungi trail around the wooded heathland trail yesterday.
    At the moment, the best spot is Black Wood as the damp conditions there are favoured by many of our species of fungus. If you're not familiar with this part of the nature reserve, follow the public footpath on the wooded heathland down towards the pond and then head through the pedestrian gate…
  • Willow Emerald Damselflies – the wait is over!

    Thanks to volunteer Phil for this report and for all his hard work surveying dragonflies & damselflies at our Arun Valley reserves this year.

    I first became aware of willow emerald damselflies about 7 years ago when some naturalist friends were considering a trip to East Anglia to find this relatively new species for the UK which had spread from Europe, maybe as a result of climate change.   A little research established…

  • Cafe & shop closures this week

    Just a couple of updates on our Visitor Centre facilities for this week
    Our cafe is closed today (Mon 20 Sep) and tomorrow (Tues 21 Sep) for staff training.
    The shop is closed from 2 pm on Thurs 23 Sep until 12 noon on Fri 24 Sep for a stocktake.
    The Nature trails, toilets and outdoor welcome hub are open as normal 10 am - 4 pm.
    Sorry for any disappointment.
    From the Pulborough Brooks team