October in Goldcliff - on the lagoons

Anybody who has visited Goldcliff will realise that although it is an amazing site for actually seeing a great number of birds it is not great for photography as the hides and viewing screens are so distant from the lagoons. That is a bit of a preamble to say that all of these photos suffer from the fact that they are all taken with a telephoto at the limit of its magnification and not as sharp as I would have liked  - hopefully they will still give a taste of what's around here in the autumn. We've been lucky enough to have some really special birds here recently - a Ring Ouzel last week, Whooper Swans the other day, and of course the Hen Harrier yesterday.

First up some Snipe which I took on a very foggy morning - the sun lifted for the last couple of shots.








Whooper Swans (took a right instead of a left if they were aiming for Slimbridge)


Mixed Waders

  • Thanks Nigel and Ann.

    Nigel that's interesting to hear - I've not been to the Welsh Wetlands Centre - must give it a visit.

    Ann - Goldcliff has become a fantastic place to visit in the Autumn , Winter and Spring as it picks up so many migrants moving up the Bristol Channel or over-wintering there - it's even better now they've installed a new platform overlooking the lagoon at the bottom although binoculars or a scope are always required here.