Spring Update - Avocet, Blackwit, Redshank, Greenshank, Ruff, Curlew, Whimbrel, L.R.P.

This is just a catch-up of some of the waders seen here in the last month. Unfortunately with the distance from the subject all of them must be considered as 'record shots'

With the exception of the Curlews, Whimbrel and Oystercatchers, which were shot on the foreshore at Uskmouth, they were all taken in Goldcliff.

A few of the many Avocets breeding in Goldcliff.

Black-Tailed Godwits


Little Ringed Plover





  • Another great set of photos John. I know the distances involved and to get them as sharp as you have is a really good job. To get the eye ring on the Little Ringed Plover is a feat in itself. I still have difficulty telling Black and Bar tailed Godwit apart, unless they show their tails. A longer joint on the leg or slightly up curved beak can be difficult to spot. Most of your shots of Curlew and Whimbrel appear to have the eye and crown stripe of the Whimbrel.

    We didn't see much last weekend at the Wetlands. A cuckoo was flying about and calling. Hoping the wind will die down sometime soon.

  • Even with my 400mm lens I don't take the camera in to Goldcliff now because of the distances.

  • Thanks Colin and David. Well Colin I'm happy to be corrected on the Curlew ID! I didn't even consider they might be Whimbrel - far more around than I imagined!

    I did grab a couple of shots of the Cuckoo early on Saturday, down the power station end, but too far away to be any use. On the way back it flew into a bush on the foreshore, well within range of my position on the floating bridge. Unfortunately when I moved to get a clearer shot and it flew off.