Love this time of the year -! Warblertastic!

You never know whats going to arrive next, so every trip to the reserve is an adventure! Turn your back and you may miss it - like I missed the Stone Curlew that was down in Goldcliff last Thursday. We don't see many of those in Newport. The Cranes have also been making fairly regular stop overs but I haven't seen any of those since my last post.

Anybody walking around the reserve will be struck by all of the Warblers singing. Reed, Sedge, Willow, Cetti's, Grasshopper, Whitethroat, Lesser Whitethroat, Blackcap and Chiffchaff. The majority of these can be heard without leaving Perry Lane, next to the visitors' Centre, although the Grasshopper Warblers that seem to be resident are at either extreme of the reserve.

Some photos. 



Willow Warbler

Grasshopper Warbler


Lesser Whitethroat

Cetti's Warbler

Sedge Warbler

No Reed Warbler photos yet - just missed one this morning which was singing from the top of a reed but dived when I approached!

Of course there are lots of other species about, the most unusual being the Drake Garganey that has been with us for a couple of weeks.


I took this backlit male Beardie a couple of weeks ago and below a very distant female today. She looks full of eggs to me!

Wheatears keep turning up - two were seen on the tree by the lighthouse only yesterday (not those pictured which arrived earlier in the month.

A female Wheatear


A male Wheatear

Linnets and Whitethroats down in the brambles on the foreshore.

I think that's probably enough about Uskmouth  for now! my ambition this year is to try to get some decent photos of a Cuckoo.I heard my first one yesterday and heard and saw one today so hopefully I'll be able to develop a sense of where and when to get the best shots. Watch this space!