Spring at the Wetlands

Visited the Wetlands Thursday and Friday this week with similar birds seen both times. It was warm and still on both days. On Thursday I didn't have my camera so have no record of the 10 Brent Geese I saw on the coast near to the Curlews and Shelduck. The tide was in and the geese were swimming in the direction of the river mouth. I am confident of my identification; they are very distinct. Unfortunately the geese weren't around on Friday when I had my camera with me.

Other birds seen were Chiffchaffs and Blackcaps; Very vocal from all parts of the reserve. Willow Warblers were singing in the wood near the hide. Cetti's Warblers could be heard and seen on both days. Its not often they sing from visible perches. It must be that time of the year.

All Teal were resting in the reeds when we got to the hide but all seemed to come awake at the same time and head off into the centre of the water. 

Through the wood and a female Bullfinch was eating leaf buds in the trees on the other side of the path.

A little further round in the scrubby area I heard a Whitethroat singing. I managed to track it down but it flew off again before I got a photo. Bearded Tits were seen in different parts of the reedbeds calling and flying. Some reasonable views of males but too far off to photograph. 

We spent a very pleasurable 3 hours strolling round in the warmth with so much to see and hear. Just waiting for the rest of the spring arrivals. Can't wait for the characteristic songs of the Reed and Sedge Warblers round the place.