Saturday morning walk

We usually visit the reserve on Saturday mornings and I thought it was about time I made another contribution to the forum. The weather was grey and felt quite cold on arrival at 9:30. The bird feeders alongside Perry Lane certainly attract a lot of Blue Tits and Great Tits. We have also seen three Bullfinches fairly regularly along here maybe also attracted by the seeds. It certainly felt a little chillier on the reserve proper and not many birds were about. Of course there were a few Reed Buntings and Stonechats.

The Robin near to the hide was appreciative of a little extra seed and came straight to Sandra's hand. I had time to switch on my camera to find it still perched and picking at sunflower hearts; queue a short video.

In the woods we had nice views of a female Great Spotted Woodpecker and four Lesser Redpolls. The sun finally broke through and the last few minutes of the walk were under blue skies. Photos of Dunnock and Great Tit enjoying the improving weather.

  • Evening Colin, what lovely photos and video clip, the birds really appreciate the seeds on a cold day and I see the Robin was bold enough to land and take his share !  


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Nice pics Colin, that Robin must be the best fed on the Reserve. We were there early afternoon, still quite cool, and a child was feeding the Robin with apple. About to take a shot and other people came and scared him off.

  • Lovely video and photos. GT looks great.

    Unicum arbustum haud alit duos erithacos

    (One bush does not shelter two Robins)

    Zenodotus (3rd Century B.C.)


  • Great video Colin, that Robin lingered longer than he does for my mealworm! Lovely photos of the Dunnock and G.T. - I've heard a couple of reports of Redpoll but never seem to see them myself - something to look forward to!

  • Thank you for the complimentary replies. We visited again today as it's half term and the forecast was so good. It was lovely to be out in the sun even when there aren't many birds to see. The highlight of the morning was a female Marsh Harrier hunting over the coast and flying inland over R4. Also seen Bullfinch and Goldcrest.

  • Visited on Wednesday morning and met up with two of the regular volunteers Malcolm and Nick who were heading down to the Uskmouth corner to see if they could catch sight of the Little Owl. No sign of that but waaay out on the shoreline I saw the same Marsh Harrier which moved down the shoreline and veered inland and over towards the hide. Rubbish photos from that distance but at least it's a record.

     On the way back my companions got views of the Otters but I was slightly out of place and they didn't re-surface. I got some nice views of a few pairs of Stonechats but only a couple of photos!

  • Was down there yesterday and today, nothing spectacular but both Reed Buntings and Stonechats are being very accommodating for photos. Was hearing Water Rail in about 4 different places but didn't see any. Yesterday spent ages in the copse hearing the Goldcrest but would they come out to play, not on your life.