Wigeon, Shoveler, water levels in Goldcliff.

I was down in Goldcliff the other day and had an opportunity to chat to a guy from Natural Resources Wales. There aren't that many waders in the lagoons at the moment  probably because the water levels are too high. He told me that they have deliberately raised the levels and they are maintaining this raised level for six weeks with the intention of flooding rats nests and driving them to the surface, where they can be picked off by predators. They will drop the levels in time for the breeding season, hopefully  leaving the nests free of any rat infestation. What I did see down there were plenty of waterfowl, particularly Wigeon, Teal, Canada Geese, Shelduck and Shoveler. Also a couple of Pintail and Gadwall. As usual there are loads of Lapwing and still a few Curlew, Redshank and Greenshank.


Northern Shoveler

Distant record shot of a pair of Pintails

  • Lovely bright images. You must have had great light. The higher water levels appear to have brought the ducks closer to the camera or is that the zoom on your lens. Pintails are such a handsome duck, one of my favourites.

    We had a walk at the Wetlands on Sunday and actually had a good but brief view of bearded tits. The first for us for quite a few weeks.

  • Nice pics John, I have been down to Goldcliff a couple of times since Xmas but have not seen the Pintails. Might try to get down for an hour tomorrow and see if I can find them.

    Colin, all I am seeing at Uskmouth at the moment are Reed Bunting and Stonechat.

  • Thanks for replying Colin and David. I've got to be absolutely honest - I didn't see the Pintails until I brought them up on the computer. if I'd noticed them I would have tried to get a focused close-up! I've got to agree about the dearth of species up on the reed beds. Reed Buntings, Stonechats, a few Wrens but I've not seen a Beardie for about five weeks.

  • I did hear someone in the hide saying they wonder if the otters have driven the other wildlife away.