Five and Six Spot Burnet Moths

In mid-June I saw hundreds of 5 Spot Burnets, they were everywhere but particularly around the central area of the reserve Now in Mid-July I am seeing Six-Spot Burnets, nothing like as numerous and obviously later flying than their 5 Spot cousins so no danger of hybrids! These have been at the power-station end of the reserve.I took a few photos and made a short video - hope you like!


A Bee Orchid in flower when the 5 Spots were on the wing._ _

6 Spot Burnets


  • Yes I know that when you click on the six-spot photos they just show the first photo - I tried to delete the whole post to sort it out but I'm getting 'permission to delete  thread denied' - wonder what the EEC would say about that!

  • I've had to post the six spots separately here - hope it doesn't cause too much confusion. Just goes to show that this upload thing is still messed up yonks after the 'update' that started all the confusion. Just to get the thread to post I had to assemble it in a 'new thread'  - when I clicked 'post' it wouldn't post,  so I copied everything - started another new thread - pasted  what I'd done into the new thread and posted. For some reason this works, although as you know some of the photos were messed up. Can I just say once again that this whole upload thing is a fiasco - it shouldn't be this hard. Loads of good friends have stopped posting because of the hassle - Dai Casnewydd, Alshappy, Cath and Barman 58 (Nigel) haven't uploaded anything for ages. If it wasn't for David, Colin and Ant this site would be dead! Please RSPB sort it out!

  • I hadn't realised they were out at different times, another good thread John.

  • I just checked my photo of a five spotted Burnet moth. That was taken on July 15th. When looking it up I noticed there are even two types of them. One is a narrow bordered 5 spotted Burnet. I didn't go any further into identifying which ones I saw. Well done for spotting the Bee orchid. I only saw one once and that was when a couple from Birmingham pointed it out to us a couple of years ago. They had travelled down because they had heard the orchid grew on the reserve.

  • Colin, the Bee Orchid this year was just inside the gate as you walk up Perry Lane, an absolutely gorgeous plant.

  • Thanks David and Colin

    David the Bee Orchid I took was on the 'Orchid Field' to the right of the path leading from the bottom car park towards the power station - that's where  the Common Blue will be just as soon as the Fleabane are in flower!

    Colin I think that our 5 Spot are the 'Narrow-Bordered' type - that's what was reported on the RSPB blog page last year.

  • Unknown said:
    I just checked my photo of a five spotted Burnet moth. That was taken on July 15th

    I take it that was last year, possibly varies depending on whether we have a severe or mild Winter, last year we had snow so maybe put things back?

    I've not seen any 5 Spot around for a few weeks and it's the 15th tomorrow!

  • Sorry John, I meant 15th June. I noted that it coincided exactly with the time you said. I don't know how I typed the wrong month.

  • Phew that's a relief - thanks for letting me know - I was just going on my personal observation and those moths are all over the place for a few days then you don't see them until the next year!

  • Sorry I've not been posting as much as I used to - This is mainly due to work commitments - Hopefully the EU will instigate a 30 hour Day and a 10 day week to allow me more time for fun things ;-)

    There were quite a few Bee Orchids this season - I personally am rather reticent to post location details online due to the chance that specimens could be damaged by too much attention or even removed from site .

    here's one image of the plant by the Visitor centre 

    I will try to post more, and especially images, time permitting 

    I do still post to flickr My site and the Newport Wetlands Group, links below in my sig, (as this is a semi automatic process so does not take up much time) 

    Best regards

    | My Images |  Newport Wetlands on Flickr @barman58