Today was able to get photo's of Beardies after nearly 3 years. I know alot of photos of them get posted but what the heck it's my first so here is another one.
Well done. That's a great shot. They don't normally stay on the chain link for long. You must have been quick.
Well pleased with this shot (and about 20 others) thanks Bob. Colin they stayed around for a while and John Lawton was there as well so there may be more video.
Well done David !!
I think John has an untapped part time job opportunity - Hiring himself out as a Beardie attractor, they do seem to appear for him :)
Best regardsNigel
| My Images | Newport Wetlands on Flickr @barman58
That's a great shot David and it would be wonderful to see your others! It stands to reason that with a limited number of species there are going to be repeats but each photo captures a unique moment and I'm sure nobody would mind however many you posted!
Colin they've been amazingly confiding this year - just hanging around for ages but best if you're tucked in when taking shots rather than on the bridge, as they'll fly from one side to the other but seem to stay confined if you're in the middle for too long. They've been brilliant between 7-9 but scarcer afterwards.