Long-Tailed Tit fledglings

I was parked at the end of Salt Marsh Lane the other day and as I was returning to my car from the reserve I heard a continual high pitched cheeping noise coming from inside a Hawthorn tree on Farmfield Lane. Peering through a small gap in the leaves I saw a branch full of baby Long-Tailed Tits. I was difficult to get the camera to focus first of all because in auto mode it wanted to focus on things in the foreground but fortunately the day before I had consulted the online manual and discovered how to focus manually - this made all the difference with a fairly static subject because it meant that I could set the camera up on the tripod and leave it running  - keeping out of sight so as not to spook the birds. as I saw other possibilities for placing the camera so there are a couple of different angles in the video.