or is that clever blackbird. Have just seen a male blackbird jumping up to a fatball feeder, knocking it with his wing to dislodge some fat, eating it off the ground then doing the same thing again. Will try to get video if it does it again but I have never seen this before. Is it unusual.
I personally think they are very clever & agile with it DB! I have vid footage of BB here jumping from ground, over & over, to get Pyracantha berries ... & when it snowed heavily BB launched himself from snowy table feeder & did a fly past to grab berries!
2013 photos & vids here
eff37 on Flickr
I once watched a magpie figure out the knot was the weak point on a coconut shell, and he kept pecking it until it became loose and the shell fell to the ground ..corvids are incredible birds.