Times. they are a-Changin'

Hello Mersehead Blog Readers!

First blog from my newly created account...very exciting!

It's been a flurry of activity here at Mersehead with tea-parties, hay-making and sun-worshiping just some of our recent activities.

Becky has now begun well earned maternity leave, Kirrty Griffiths (Field Teacher) organised a wonderful tea-party to mark the occassion and we stuffed ourself with enough battenburg to feed an extra person each. It's been an absolute pleasure working with you Becky and I wish you all the best for impending Motherhood!

Eric has worked 72 hours in the last 7 days, harvesting an astonishing area of grassland for hay and silage. As farmers up and down the country will know, the old adage "make hay while the sun shines" is only too true. Eric's been working from 6am till 10pm most days last week and has still been at it all day today. Eric, you are an inspiration.

There is a new arrival at Mersehead this week too... a warm Welcome to Mersehead's new Assistant Warden Rowena Flavell (I hope I spelt that right Rowena!). She has been working at RSPB Titchwell for the last year or so and has taken the grand tour of Mershead today and set eyes upon an impressive jobs list. Hope you settle in here well Rowena :)

In wildlife news, although it is a quiet time of year we have spotted the following:

  • 8th August: 200+ Lapwings They are starting to flock together preparing for migration (ours mostly go to the Wash)
  • 10th August: Osprey flying over the reserve
  • 11+12th August: Both Barn Owl adults (Spotted by Georgia, a current residential volunteer)
  • 13th August: Juvenile Goldfinches all over the farm track - seemingly fearless of humans

The next few weeks are FULL of Family Fun events, with WILD WEDNESDAY and FAMILY FUN FRIDAY every week of August! Come and join us if you can!
