April 19th 2024

I must have arrived around 07:45 so by the time I'd faffed around gathering up cameras and binocs and jackets and mints........

Judging by the images I went straight to the Swamp Hide and set myself up by 07:54 and I'd got 10 Osprey shots, albeit over in front of the Gullery Hide but I always try for an evidence shot or twenty then try to prep for the good stuff, if there is any! 

I got an accidental shot of the hen Marsh Harrier preening in a tree while I was following the Osprey. 

So 07:56 before the Osprey started to head my way. Patience. Not my best virtue, If any! Laughing

Scouring the loch.

And then, wait a minute! 


Nope, not this time......

I'll finish this visit another time.