I have always felt that we should have a thread for EJ as well as Odin.

My countdown clock says that we might expect her to swoop into Loch Garten 76 days from now. I hjope it has warmed up by then.


  • You and me, both, Clare, but I'm afraid we must be prepared for the worst as well as hoping against hope.  She and Lady at Loch of the Lowes were my first Osprey attachments and it would be a wrench if EJ does not appear this year.  I imagine we are not the only ones on tenterhooks until something happens, one way or the other!  My fingers are crossed.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • EJ did have an altercation before she disappeared. 

  • Yes, Tiger, I remember all too well.  I felt at the time that we probably would not see her again and it probably would be something of a miracle if EJ does turn up this year.  Perhaps I should have gone down as a May 1st guess or that 'some Osprey' would appear on the date I gave you but it is too late now and hope springs eternal and all that jazz!

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Unknown said:

    Yes, Tiger, I remember all too well.  I felt at the time that we probably would not see her again and it probably would be something of a miracle if EJ does turn up this year.  Perhaps I should have gone down as a May 1st guess or that 'some Osprey' would appear on the date I gave you but it is too late now and hope springs eternal and all that jazz!

    I am not convinced that she is dead but she may not turn up at Loch Garten.  A lot depends on which female it is. 

    Remember the reason EJ came to Loch Garten was because she was ousted from her first nest. 

    As we later found out the female that ousted EJ was a daughter of Lady. 

  • Hazel b said:
    I am not convinced that she is dead

    Join the club.

    Hazel b said:
    she may not turn up at Loch Garten

    I'm struggling to think of where else she would turn up.  She's a very determined bird.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Let us say that EJ was ousted by another bird (maybe Blue CL6)  A lot depends on whether  CL6 is an  early bird or a late bird. 

    Also a lot depends on whether EJ found another nest last year. 

  • Tiger,  Interesting that you are not thinking that EJ is dead but may have found another nest last year.  That closest nest to LG where her paramour nested, the one she entertained when Odin was late (nest of Blue XD and Green J?)--was that nest occupied last year?  Green J was ousted from that nest.  I've just looked it up and found that Green J nested elsewhere with Blue CL6 in 2016.  I would think that nest might be EJ's first choice if not LG.  When EJ did not return to LG last year, I presumed that perhaps she had come to grief in some way.  Was EJ's last known fight with a female or a male?  I wasn't following Loch Garten when EJ initially nested there but although I'd read about her history, unfortunately I had forgotten about her having been ousted from her previous nest. Who was the daughter of Lady who ousted EJ?

    Edited after accidentally posting before I meant to!

    Kind regards, Ann

  • It is only now that I learn that CL6  is male. It was CL6 that  EJ had the altercation with before she disappeared. 

  • Hazel b said:
    Let us say that EJ was ousted by another bird (maybe Blue CL6)  A lot depends on whether  CL6 is an  early bird or a late bird. 

    Tiger:  I am probably wrong but I thought Blue CL6 was a male bird (Tweed valley 2013).    I am asking because I always think male v male and female v female so am surprised if EJ ousted by a male?