So What Posters Are Missing in Action?

It is the beginning of the osprey season and as always some posters are still missing in action.

What posters are missing that you particularly enjoy hearing from?

One of my favs is Robert The Bruce.


  • scylla said:

    I can understand you being frightened, Brenda, onliners can be cruel in their anonymity.

    I'm going to email CC (she of the lightning Photobucket videos done on her rewinding Mac!) pronto to tell her that EJ is back.

    No longer MIA

    Welcome back to The Loch Garten Group.

  • Hi, I'm here this year watching when the webcam is working.  I have said Hullo once on the blog comment, but I tend to chat on the forum threads unless it's relevant to the blogs.  I remember Caberfeidh from a few years back. She used to live near LG and could nip round there for news when necessary.  She moved to France but still commented occasionally.  Is she watching LG ospreys this year?

  • mozziecat    Nice to see you again. Yes Caberfeidh does make comments on the main blog.

  • Never mind the posters. What famous ospreys are still MIA?

  • No sign of AW at Rutland, I'm very sorry to say.

    Laird is running late, but may yet turn up, though what reception he will receive is debatable!

    A thing of beauty is a joy forever.