Well, it's now "tomorrow" and a new week, so I decided to start new thread because I don't often see this hour of the morning!!
Just been through all today's photos with OH: some good Damselflies but having a difficult time sorting the birds!
Really must pack up and go to bed . Have a good Sunday, everyone - and don't miss Gary's Saturday photos of Toffee on previous thread. And please join with prayers, candles, positive thoughts for Isidora (see QW's post on page 22).
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
Nice thoughts for the poor whale, Chloe. That is sad, as they couldn't save her, could they? Always upliifting to hear that people will try to save dolphins & whales when they are stranded or in the wrong place.
Diane: Enjoyed the "I'll Fly Away' clip - watched the version by The Waltons, too! (really loved that show when it was on)
Thanks for all chat, sagas, poems, links & pics. I'm having trouble finding time to reply to all . . . or any.A wee bit chilly this morn, 4 C at 8 am. Airport (5 mins from us) registered 0.4 C at 4.12 am while I was snug under my doona. S-i-l's car is still covered in ice. It's parked out front as Dau#1 & Co have flown to Darwin for a week of the school holidays. There it is 30-31 C!!!! I don't think I mentioned they have a German exchange student staying for about 6 weeks & going to Miss15's school. We haven't met her yet as they have been busy taking her to Cleland Wildlife Park, Barossa Valley, parties, etc. Apparently she & Miss15 sit in the back of the car, plugged into iPods & playing games on their phones. <sigh> They are coming to lunch next Fri, so I'll have to do some HW this week LOL
Evening all: Goofed off most of the day with friend; bought a wonderful metal sculptured cat (very whimsical) for not much at all at a consigment store. Lignting was wary until she gave it a good sniff then wandered off unimpressed. I think I'll put it either on the front porch or beside the fireplace; we'll see.
Like AQ; I'm having a hard time keeping up with posts and chat - at least responding to them - but am reading all. Daughter called this evening and is coming back from Arizona for about 10 days and arriving Tuesday so now have a list of Things To Do before she arrives on top of all the normal stuff, which seems to be more than normal right now!
Margobird: Hope you continue to feel better.
Everyone else, take care and have a good Saturday.
On page 1 of the Daily Update see some interesting video that Scylla caught where you can hear, but not see, some very specific noises - sort of bumping and banging - below the nest. EJ had been on the nest, then left, but came back, obviously spooked by whatever it was, which went on for several minutes....
Good Morning ALL. Light rain here but the heavy stuff not arrived yet.
Chloe, Love your whale poem. We so hoped she would be saved.
AQ, You bring memories of student exchanges. Our daughter and son exchanged with French students. Our son went to France where he had to attend the French school for two weeks so the family didn't take him anywhere except for one day. The French boy stayed with us for a month during the school holidays. We took him out most days and then for a weeks holiday away. We needed our holiday when he went home. It didn't help that our son didn't like him.
Annette, Just seen on the news about the LA road ( interstate 405) being closed for 54 hour. They are calling it carmageddon.
Margo, I hope you continue to improve.
Good Morning: Rain & more rain, here. And later, we are promised - more rain! At least the garden will get a good drink. But wish it could stop after that - apparently this is going to last several days <sigh>
On the TV News today that Murdoch is going to print apologies to just about everyone in All of the national papers, today. Not enough to make up for the damage done, and more revelations to come, we are told. Can't help feeling that our politicians are revelling in the self rightousness of it not being one of their scandals, this time.
Brenda: We never were asked to do an exchange - glad we never had to, after some of the awful stories I've heard - my sis-in-law had a boy who wouldn't wash! (& of course he smelled!) & sat around all day, doing nothing except watch TV. They were more than relieved when he went home at last.
Off out to do the supermarket run - bet a lot of other peole will be waiting for the rain to ease a little & we will all end up in the car park at the same time!
This all sounds miserable, on reading back! I'm fine, really! - Have a Nice Weekend!
Hello everyone, I'm back!
What a wonderful time we had on holiday in Nethybridge. The weather started out absolutely fantastic, was rather mixed in the middle and then was hot and sunny again at the end.
It's now chucking it down at home and the washing machine is doing overtime. Typical.
I'll fill you all in with a few highlights later.
I'll never be able to catch up on everyones' news so I hope I haven't missed anything major and that everyone is well.
MARGO I did flick through to see if you'd done your diary of your visit and see that you have. I'm so sorry it was spoiled by your illness. I hope you are now recovering. I think you should visit again but it should be a real relaxing holiday with some pampering and a warm bed at the end of the day. As for cresties it's a shame your volunteer partner didn't see many. I think we probably saw more this time than ever before.
Right, back to the laundry.....
Linda, I didn't want to mention personal hygiene. I remember asking the French boy to give me his washing each morning after his shower, which never happened. I then noticed he was never having a shower, so I spelled it out to him that a shower was compulsory and I demanded his washing. I was given two pairs of underpants after a week. I had to then point out that he must change underclothes and shirt every day. He was sent with only 4 pairs of underpants for a month. I did change his habits and I wondered what his mother thought when he went back home. When my daughter was in France, she was allowed only one shower per week. I know she was in the shower a very long time when she came home.
dibnlib so pleased to see you on here, hope all is going well for you. Nice that you are able to go out for the day and made me very jealous reading about your trip. You swam a long way no wonder you are pleased with yourself. Good to know your cold is better. Do enjoy the 40th birthday celebrations.
trish 2 so pleased you enjoyed your holiday and nice to see you back. I am feeling better as each day passes but it really was a nasty bug. OH has put his foot down and says I cannot do the volunteering at LG again, maybe somewhere else where it is warmer but of course there would be no ospreys. Will have to talk him into a holiday up that way and stay somewhere warm for me at the end of the day. My volunteer partner would be envious I am sure. He searched high and low but the only one he saw was just outside the hide on the last evening. Hope the weather improves for you re washing but it doesn't look very promising.