Weekly Chat Sunday 10th July

Well, it's now "tomorrow" and a new week, so I decided to start new thread because I don't often see this hour of the morning!!

Just been through all today's photos with OH: some good Damselflies but having a difficult time sorting the birds!

Really must pack up and go to bed .  Have a good Sunday, everyone - and don't miss Gary's Saturday photos of Toffee on previous thread.  And please join with prayers, candles, positive thoughts for Isidora (see QW's post on page 22).

Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • G'morning, Chloe.  Lots of flapping followed by fledging, I suspect!

    Good night.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • I suspect that Odin could relate to this story about a whale. I was deeply moved by the (happy) ending.     Entangled whale

    I'm really exhausted tonight. I keep meaning to catch up with everyone, but life is really hectic right now, and I don't seem to have much energy.  :-( Everyone have a good Sunday!!!

    AQ: Hope you're okay and not poorly!

  • Evening/morning all:  Very busy but good day here. Off to scan remains of last week's thread...

  • OK, so the Royals were here today for that wildly expensive polo match.

    OG: Oh dear, did I miss you? Have a great trip.  Got some nice salmon and BBQ'd it for dinner - pretty good!  Also splurged on two small filet mignon steaks for tomorrow (rarely eat red meat but OH likes it now and  then). Was busy organizing the fridge and bumped into the remains of Thursday's chicken calamity; now must think of some creative way to disguise it!

    Quietwoman: Oh geez. I had to look up Rett Syndrome; what a cruel condition. Poor little darling; her parents must be suffering so much (grandparents too). I will offer up best and truest wishes for them all.  Grandson James sounds like someone we might expect to hear much more from!

    Lindybird: Swallows in the kitchen? Well there is a precedent you know: Four-and-twenty blackbirds baked in a pie  - Yuk!   Ah OK, gotcha re Question TIme. We have a program here called Meet the Press, whose really great host died suddenly right before Obama became Prez; it hasn't been the same since. Mind you, I and almost everyone I know are totally burned out on politics right now and haven't been watching it.  Re signing in; haven't had to do it since I changed computers, but like OG, I don't sign out.  Yes, Betty Ford was well liked here; outspoken and down-to-earth. You are kidding! A Christmas catalog already? That's terrible (or do they figure that people with arthritis take longer to do their Christmas shopping?)

    Alan: Is Hamish completely over his bad paw?

    Djoan: Stay feeling better.

    Mary: I missed your departure date, but am sure you'll have a wonderful time.

    Brenda: I have brand new progressive glasses; now I can see my wrinkles without having to squint. :-(

    Tiger:  Re your 1991 trip: Indeed, that part of Canada is so, so desolate.  "The Man Who Ate His Boots" tells of John Franklin's ill-fated search for the Northwest Passage back in the 1800s.  That region is daunting enough flying over it today; can't imagine what it was like to be lost down there back then....    There was a 5.6 earthquake that day you were in LA; small, but one person was killed in the initial quake, which happened just before you landed.  (Welcome to California!).

    Gary: Be sure to shout Hi All to us when you're at LG. Have a great time.  Toffee is gorgeous.

    dibnlib: Must thank you for inspiring me to dust off my ancient bike; I've been riding it every day on minor errands, excursions, etc.  :-))

    Am watching "Seven Days to Noon" on Turner Classic - Brit thriller from 1950 and I hate to say I probably saw it. Back then we used to go to the cinema all the time; no television!  Anyway, have a good Sunday ALL and take care.

  • What a caring group you are, especially Annette, Linda, OG & Diane who noticed I was AWL. I am fine, just flat and tired and feeling like I need a holiday!!!!!! Wed was cold, wet & windy. City street like a wind tunnel and besides the rain was blowing under the verandahs, missed my bus, oh well, only 15 mins to wait, except next one was 10 mins late. Thurs I lazed sitting in bay window in sun picking up a million stitches for the arm band of OH's sleeveless cardigan. Fri I muddled with photos until an emergency call from Dau#2. She has a painful sciatic nerve, had been to physio, it was worse, recall to physio but she couldn't drive back. So Mum drove half hour to work to collect her, half hour to physio, then delivered dau home (hers), boiled kettle for cuppa & washed her dishes, drove home and fell asleep on lounge. Dau's problem will be solved when g-d arrives. Meanwhile she is trying to stay at work which she loves. She cannot start maternity leave until 6 weeks before due date. Red tape!

    QW Sending thoughts and prayers for Isadora and her family.


    Saturday 29 June 1991.

    I got up early and went to breakfast. It was really interesting as the place was populated with around the world travellers. I met a group from Hong Kong that were going to see the eclipse.

    We discovered that the Greyhound depot was close so we checked out and headed off down Highland Avenue. It was a beautiful sunny morning. We got to the depot and discovered that the bus was due in about an hour. We went to a fast food place to while away the time. However the bus was an hour late so the time just drifted away. We finally managed to get a bus from Los Angeles to Tijuana at about 2.40pm.

    The journey to San Diego was uneventful.  We crossed the border at about 6.00 pm. We crossed the bridge into Mexico and I have never seen things change so much in such a short distance. Suddenly we went from very plush San Diego to a lot less plush Tijuana.

    One pleasant surprise was that when I left my 'Mexico A travel Survival Kit' behind me in the Nelson hotel someone actually ran after me to give it back !! This in a country where we had been warned to expect thieves everywhere. After some searching we found an hotel at $12.5 each for the night. It was fine but a disco played most of the night and I did not sleep well for a second night.

    Sunday 30 th June 1991 

     Got up early and made our way across to the coffee shop in the Nelson hotel for breakfast. This was my first experience of Mexican food. I had bacon, eggs, beans, toast and coffee. I always remember watching a Mexican woman setting up here stall for the day and thinking that she probably did this every day of her life. After breakfast we headed off to the bus station to get a bus to Los Mochis. The bus station was 8 kilometres away and we had to catch a local bus.  We met  an American called Steve who was also going to the eclipse and so he joined us. We got to the bus station and booked a ticket to Los Mochis on the 11.20 am. We waited around and left on time.

     The initial part of the journey was from Tijuana to Mexacali. It was on this part of the trip that we encountered the high desert. As we climbed up through the mountains the scenery was very spectacular. At most bends in the road there was the wreckage of many cars. The weather was also very hot.

     Travelling on Mexican buses can be quite an experience as at each stop it was never very clear how long the break would be. There was always some risk of getting left behind. On and on we went and we eventually encountered the border again. The sunset that day was particularly nice. It got dark quite quickly and we had a wonderful starry sky.

    The bus trundled relentlessy south.

  • Thank you all very much for your thoughts and prayers for Isidora. Will be back later with details. LUCY IS DEMANDING ATTENTION!!! Yes, Gary, Lucy is my new friend. Can't replace my poor waif, Sally, but I think we are bonding!!!

    The mind is like a parachute, it doesn't work if it's not open.

  • The journey as a map

    Los Angeles to Tijuana  on Saturday 29th June 1991

    Tijuana to Los Mochis  on Sunday 30th June 1991/ Monday 1st July 1991