Frustration Nests (Ospreys)

Some of you will be familiar with frustration nests. When a nest fails the pair often build a frustration nest.

This of you who have read Scottish Ospreys (page 70)   will remember how it was the discovery of a frustration nest in the Sluggan pass in 1955 alerted the powers that be that ospreys were nesting in Scotland.

The reason I bring up this topic now is that there are reports of a frustration nest at Loch of The Lowes. I have no details yet.

Sometimes frustration nests are built up into real nests the following season but more likely they are abandoned.

I do believe that the new nest at Bassenthwaite started as a "frustration" nest last year. Mind you that was odd because Bassenthwaite was a successful nest last year. However the Bassenthwaite female ha been known to like a change of scenery in the past. Just as well she is not at Loch Garten!!