Weekly Chat page, Tuesday, September 1, 2009

OK, let's see how this goes. Maybe use this page for general chat, which can include ospreys, but also non-osprey related chatter? It also doesn't have to be Daily, but time will tell. It may not take shape until after the Diary goes away.

As Carol noted, Tiger set up the "Tracking Rothes and Mallachie" page, which might be the best place for serious observations about our girls and their progress. There's also a "Tracking Other UK Ospreys" page .

In the meantime, we can twitter on about ospreys, dogs, guinea pigs, kids, vacations, etc., - and post poems - here without boring the "osprey only" members of the community.

Feel free to boo loudly and make suggestions if you see any problems. Thanks everyone!

  • margobird said:

    Tish so agree with you why do people want to cause bad feeling amongst us bloggers.  Have posted on the other blog stating that I agree totally with Maureen so please please less of the fighting and insults.  It is not productive at all.  We are all here because of our love of ospreys and nothing should detract from that.  As for comments made about Richard I am really mad that people feel like that.  He is a dedicated person, devoted to his opsreys and who  has taught us all such a lot about their lives.  He deserves only praise for his absolute dedication.

    I so agree with you Margobird.  This was the very first time I ventured into the "world of blogs" :)) And as  My daughter when she ws very young had a poster of an Osprey on her wall I found out about them. And I felt a lot closer to my child.   I live not far from Loch of the Lowes and a wee bit further from LG.  I joined the Rspb and then found friendly people who were like minded.   I don't know how this started.and am quite happy for it to stop. I actually get really upset by it all.  We all admire Richard and I hope he enjoys his travels later this year.

    Tish x

    Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.

  • Hi Carol

    I have never posted personal comments about anybody and your comments make me VERY SAD indeed.

    I also take exception to being called one the Waltons.

    Have you not read my 'Right to Reply' post on the LG blog page?  Hopefully it will clear the air.

    To accuse me of bullying is a highly offensive comment, I have never bullyed anyone in my life. As you say Cyber Bulying is the worst form.

    What a dreadful way to end a wonderful Osprey breeding season.

    Can we not get back to being the FRIENDLY group that we are and share in the delights of Rothes and Mallachies travels.

    So thanks for your post to me and I do hope you will read my RIGHT TO REPLY POST.

    I have nothing but the highest regard for Richard and his Teams, including the volunteers.

    PS. I don't have anything against Valerie, how could I when I don't know her, and wouldn't dream of saying anything derogatory about her.


    "Birds of a Feather".... ~( :o )

  • Hi Tish

    I too got the same message on My Page...I have replied and will not be rising to the bait again. We are here for Rothes an Mallachie and joining/enjoying them in their travels.

    Have a lovely holiday next week and take a rest.

    Love x x x x x


    "Birds of a Feather".... ~( :o )

  • Maureen ~ said:

    Hi Carol

    I have never posted personal comments about anybody and your comments make me VERY SAD indeed.

    I also take exception to being called one the Waltons.

    Have you not read my 'Right to Reply' post on the LG blog page?  Hopefully it will clear the air.

    To accuse me of bullying is a highly offensive comment, I have never bullyed anyone in my life. As you say Cyber Bulying is the worst form.

    What a dreadful way to end a wonderful Osprey breeding season.

    Can we not get back to being the FRIENDLY group that we are and share in the delights of Rothes and Mallachies travels.

    So thanks for your post to me and I do hope you will read my RIGHT TO REPLY POST.

    I have nothing but the highest regard for Richard and his Teams, including the volunteers.

    PS. I don't have anything against Valerie, how could I when I don't know her, and wouldn't dream of saying anything derogatory about her.


        What woukld you say M if we started a new forum called the friendshuip blog or some thing like.  Karen is so upset that the friendlines will never come back and she is going.    Shame on those people.  I feel physically sick when I read some of these posts. 

    Fed up myself with it.  Ospreys come back   LOL.

    Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.

  • Hi All

    Annette, who kindly started this thread, will almost certainly be asleep, but on her behalf, can I please remind some of those who have posted this morning, that it is meant to be a Chat thread, and what its stated aims are. This was Annette's first post : 

    Unknown said:

    OK, let's see how this goes. Maybe use this page for general chat, which can include ospreys, but also non-osprey related chatter? It also doesn't have to be Daily, but time will tell. It may not take shape until after the Diary goes away.

    As Carol noted, Tiger set up the "Tracking Rothes and Mallachie" page, which might be the best place for serious observations about our girls and their progress. There's also a "Tracking Other UK Ospreys" page .

    In the meantime, we can twitter on about ospreys, dogs, guinea pigs, kids, vacations, etc., - and post poems - here without boring the "osprey only" members of the community. Feel free to boo loudly and make suggestions if you see any problems. Thanks everyone!

    Whatever your feelings might be about the recent "upheavals", this is not the place to pursue them - let it go...and please, no-one reply by saying "but X started it".

    Peace, Sue :)  


  • Hello everyone,

    Just been out walking with Hamish and while we were walking a sparrowhawk was flying above us. Suddenly there was a downdraught of wind and this bird was buffeted down to about 30 feet above us. I could clearly see the markings on the feathers and the barred tail. It was awesome. Quickly the bird regained its equilibrium and was gone.

  • What a wonderful experience,Alan! I love sparrowhawks ... sometimes one flies through my garden, trying to catch the birds at the feeders. I once had a briliant view of one eating a bluetit on the fence post, not 2 yards from my window ... fabulous ... for me but not the bluetit! No-one in their right minds would be out walking here in Northumberland just now ... pelting with rain & blowing a gale :((

    Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

    Index Thread


  • It is not raining here at the moment in Huntingdonshire. In fact the sun is shining but very windy. I wonder if Mallachies flight direction will be affected by it. 

    Djoans : I notice that your avatar is a goldfinch. We have lots of them round here. In fact when I was out walking i saw 5 or 6 flying past. I love their chirping and undulating flight. Top birds.

  • I too love goldfinches ... we don't have many round here, but I get a group of 3 regularly visiting the special seed feeder in the garden. In fact I love all birds ... even the hordes of sparrows who are eating me out of house & home at the moment :))

    Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

    Index Thread


  • We have an occasional sparrowhawk in our garden, I think it might be something to do with the drive/fly-by take-away hanging outside the kitchen window... That's a gruesome thought, but it means we have a healthy garden bird population to support the hunters. Saw a female merlin sitting in a tree outside the back bedroom window one morning, took me a while to identify, not being an expert.

    Terry in Cumbria