Weekly Chat page, Tuesday, September 1, 2009

OK, let's see how this goes. Maybe use this page for general chat, which can include ospreys, but also non-osprey related chatter? It also doesn't have to be Daily, but time will tell. It may not take shape until after the Diary goes away.

As Carol noted, Tiger set up the "Tracking Rothes and Mallachie" page, which might be the best place for serious observations about our girls and their progress. There's also a "Tracking Other UK Ospreys" page .

In the meantime, we can twitter on about ospreys, dogs, guinea pigs, kids, vacations, etc., - and post poems - here without boring the "osprey only" members of the community.

Feel free to boo loudly and make suggestions if you see any problems. Thanks everyone!

  • Barbara, forgot to say, thanks for the weather report in Switzerland.  We are off there for our hols next week, though not in Geneva (where I think you said you were).  The storms over there really are spectacular aren't they - I remember one from a few years ago when we were there.  We are staying up in the mountains so expecting it to be a bit chilly (have plenty of woollies ready to pack, gloves, woolly hat etc!).  Looking forward to lots of walking and lots of lovely fresh air!  I agree with you those fires look pretty scary.  Hope Annette is in a safe place and well away from them. 

  • Carol: Thanks for setting me right about the origins of the FB community. :-) 

    Gary: We like cake on this page too!

    FYI, we're safe here in Santa Barbara - our really bad fires were earlier this year and last year. We're glued to the TV coverage of the LA blazes like a lot of other people. In fact, will have my first glass of wine watching that and waiting for the weather forecast!  In fact, maybe I won't even wait that long....

  • Can't go wrong with a nice piece of cake!! (sounding a little like Wallace there!)

    Just watched our local news Annette and our thoughts are with you all out there. Those are some monster fires and flames.

  • Annette, I am a bit confused now.LOL     I have left a message for you on Diary Page.I shall remember tomorrow to use this one as well.


    Tish-Cirrus-Soosin-Karen and all nite nite

    "Birds of a Feather".... ~( :o )

  • Maureen: Confused? I got myself all tied up in knots on Facebook last night, trying to figure out their pages. Sue (Suzyblu) finally sorted me out.

    Re "that" post, that sort of stuff is very hard to ignore. I don't think anyone's upset with you - after all, it was hardly a private post. The good thing is that it's over and we can go back to following our girls.

    Indeed it was a thrill to see the chicks so early in the mornings back when the sun hardly set in LG. I'm already anticipating next year. Given that Mallachie is doing so well makes me feel really confident about Garten, who turned into such a determined little toughie!

    Re updating, I'd started this as a Daily Update, then retitled it as a Weekly . To save scrolling through all the pages, I now just go to the latest one (at the bottom of the page). If it starts getting very long, we may just update after a certain number of pages fill up.

    All suggestions welcome on that last point. And of course, I have no monopoly on any of this.

    Night all!

  • 5:18 UK time. Just looked and GE has updated

  • Unknown said:

    Re updating, I'd started this as a Daily Update, then retitled it as a Weekly . To save scrolling through all the pages, I now just go to the latest one (at the bottom of the page). If it starts getting very long, we may just update after a certain number of pages fill up.

    All suggestions welcome on that last point. And of course, I have no monopoly on any of this.

    Night all!

    Good morning Annette,

    To answer your question, again time will tell, but I think starting a new Chat Thread weekly would keep the number of pages manageable, and could be a helpful convention for people to work with. 

    In purely technical terms, there is no reason why a Forum thread has to run for a set period of time. If there's ever a delay in starting off the new week's thread, it won't cause any problem - people can just keep posting on the previous week's for the time being,  Some Forums have a limit on the number of posts that can be put on a thread, but I'm sure that would be WAY over a week's worth of input. If there's a problem, the technical people at RSPB would tell us.

    Thank you for all your work in helping people settle in here. I'll try to pick up on questions about the mechanics of getting here, and using a Forum. 

    Regards, Sue      

    For all - You can go directly to the latest post in a thread from the Forum home page (the one with the list of Threads) by clicking on the words "latest post" in the line of details under the Title of your chosen Thread.


  • Morning everyone.  Pleasure once more logging on.  It is so nice to see all the friendly bloggers here.  I live in Edinburgh region and the weather here is rotten. 

    Annette I've looked at GE and don't see any real movement.  Mallachie still in Birmingham.  Also from the GE weather, a huge green blob so expect there is also heavy rain down south.  I hope Mallachie has moved on and is further south.

    It was strange how EJ held back so long this year but I think this was because of Garten.  EJ is wise and probably thought          "    AH ...  Rothes and Mallachie are being tracked so everyone knows what they are up to but not Garten.  Well, we can't have that so I will have to keep an eye on her   "    So as soon as Garten took off,  EJ followed, the two of them merrily on their way to sunny skies.         

  • Morning everyone.

    Haven't posted anywhere for a couple of days - too much flak flying around for my liking:((

    Think it might be safe on here though ... great idea this page!  Have just spent a lovely few minutes following Mallachie's latest trip on GE ... and then I got side-tracked because I lived in Birminham until I was 11 ... so I have been zooming in to find the old house & school!!

    Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

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