Weekly Chat page, Tuesday, September 1, 2009

OK, let's see how this goes. Maybe use this page for general chat, which can include ospreys, but also non-osprey related chatter? It also doesn't have to be Daily, but time will tell. It may not take shape until after the Diary goes away.

As Carol noted, Tiger set up the "Tracking Rothes and Mallachie" page, which might be the best place for serious observations about our girls and their progress. There's also a "Tracking Other UK Ospreys" page .

In the meantime, we can twitter on about ospreys, dogs, guinea pigs, kids, vacations, etc., - and post poems - here without boring the "osprey only" members of the community.

Feel free to boo loudly and make suggestions if you see any problems. Thanks everyone!

  • Hi and welcome Barbara

    Annette said something earlier about going out, so this is my suggestion. First, set up a bookmark for the LGO Forum page (where you have the list of threads).

    from the Forum:

    • clicking on the title of a thread will take you to Page 1
    • clicking on the words "Latest Post" in the line below, will take you to the page with the most recent post in.  

    To add a comment, you can click the Reply button in the latest post - though if you are replying to an earlier post and want to be able to quote from it, use the Reply button in that. Hope this is clear.  


  • Thanks Sue. Just came in.

    Re Pete's Pond - had the same experience some time back when the cam was down and one of the bloggers (on LG site) and I were swooning over the zebras, until we noticed they were doing exactly the same thing for about two days in a row! So they must have a "zebra" fill in when the cam's not working!


  • Thanks Sue C,

    If only i knew what a thread was!!!  I'll try and follow your directions, trouble is I'm not the right generation to start learning new computer stuff.(need to ask a 10 year old!)

    Too tired to work it out now, at least i managed to make a start, let's see what tomorrow brings

  • Have just bean reading back through all the comments and Tish it is a shame that mayhem ensues.  this is such a friendly place to be so lets keep it that way.

    Just been looking at the cam and it looks so quiet up at Loch Garten, no wind or rain.  It is blowing a gale, absolutely pouring down with rain and has been more or less dark since about 5.00.  I hope Mallachie is not caught up in this and that she moves South a bit more as the weather we have at the moment is moving North tomorrow.


  • Barbara (and Annette)


    If we could send some of the rain we've had here in Northern Ireland it would certainly be a help to the LA firefighters.  Every time there's more news coverage, I think of Annette and hope she's well away from that area but reports of seeing smoke are alarming.  God bless, Annette.

    Unknown said:


  • Jillian: Was that your loud Booo I heard as I was driving up the freeway? :-)

    RSPB launched this new site a month or so ago. Before that, we posted only to the Diary, which only updated a few times a day and not at all at night. The new site allows posts to go more quickly (at least in theory) which relieved the LG staff from the additional task of having to stop what they were doing at the Center and tend to us. There was - from my perspective - a lot less chat then because we were aware of the workload, etc. that the LG folks had. It was definitely more structured. As a result, a lot of folks started a Facebook site, where they could see their posts instantly. They also started a second page on FB for pure chat. Truth be told, they've had their own discussions about "appropriate" postings on their Loch Garten Observations page from time to time, so it seems to be par for the course.

    Meanwhile, back on this site, several of our earlier bloggers, who were very knowledgeable and helpful to us newbies, seemed to find the lack of structure on the new RSPB site distracting, and, sadly, don't post as much, which is a loss to us all. This (daily/weekly) page is a work in progress and is aimed at letting people discuss ospreys and anything else that's going on with them, which is not to say we have to be super-guarded about including non-osprey remarks on the Diary, just to make sure they don't become the dominant feature. The really good thing about this page is that it posts our comments immediately - instant gratification!!

    I hope that helps a bit in explaining things. Do take care and please stick around!  :-)

  • Hi folks.  Glad to see that a place has been found for the chat - after all that is what blogging is all about.  Well done Annette for keeping this going.  Alan P - I hope your Thunderbirds persona enjoys a brief rest and returns soon.  Great fun.  I know from your blogs that you were born and brought up in my home town.  Big Rab is a teacher in your former school.  Intriguing.  Hope everyone keeps up the friendly banter as it has been so enjoyable during the osprey season and very informative for those like me who are new to osprey watching. Due to work commitments I can blog only periodically but always try to read the days events in the evenings.  Steed returned from Thunder in Glen with brolly, bowler hat and Harley intact.  Fingers crossed for the migrating ospreys especially our back-pack bearing wonderbirds. 

  • Like Emma Peel, above, I'm glad we're settling down now and this is the place to chat all we want.

    It's such good news that both the girls are still on course and doing well in their migrations.That was the outcome we all waited and hoped for, so lets hope this good news continues.

    ALAN:  I'm going to call you Rob Roy from now on!!

    TISH:  Keep meaning to say, love your new avatar - gorgeous!

    ANNETTE:  You always seem to talk a lot of sense, keep up the good work!

  • I don't think anyone else can see you edit and delete buttons.  I may be wrong. I see miy buttons but nobody else does.  Karen nice to be here isn't it? XXX

    Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.

  •  Annette

    For your a jolly good fellow !! Cheers. I'm so glad you got this started before we were told to!  Good on you XXXX

    Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.