Weekly Chat page, Tuesday, September 1, 2009

OK, let's see how this goes. Maybe use this page for general chat, which can include ospreys, but also non-osprey related chatter? It also doesn't have to be Daily, but time will tell. It may not take shape until after the Diary goes away.

As Carol noted, Tiger set up the "Tracking Rothes and Mallachie" page, which might be the best place for serious observations about our girls and their progress. There's also a "Tracking Other UK Ospreys" page .

In the meantime, we can twitter on about ospreys, dogs, guinea pigs, kids, vacations, etc., - and post poems - here without boring the "osprey only" members of the community.

Feel free to boo loudly and make suggestions if you see any problems. Thanks everyone!

  • Ge isn't updated yet. Maybe because the distance isn't so great.  But does anyone get a funny feeling when you get to the end of thepink  line and there she is  .. Mallachie.   The same with Rothes.  It's weird and wonderful this techie stuff. 

    Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.

  • Don't know what's up with GE. Also haven't done the Mallachie "tour" yet. Probably no point in following Rothes right now or we'd be a dizzy as we were at the LG part of her trip.

  • Just saying Hi all. 'Lo Tish, Annette. This is a good page isn't it Tish? I can put  all the :) ly faces I like on it  and talk utter rubbish. (I hope)

    Just usee the Edit button:

    A pity about GE not being updated though. I've got all my push pins stuck in Mallachie's staging posts so now I can just fly with her from 'post' to 'post'. Big grin.

  • Unknown said:

    Just saying Hi all. 'Lo Tish, Annette. This is a good page isn't it Tish? I can put  all the :) ly faces I like on it  and talk utter rubbish. (I hope)

    It certainly is Cirrus.  Glad I got you before I went to bed. You must be tired as well!! XZX  I hope there won'y be any more nasty stuff.  Birds should bring us all joy. Did you read where Mallachie was.  What a girl

    Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.

  • Abso jolly lutely Tish. Stand by I've got a Skype call

  • Unknown said:

    Abso jolly lutely Tish. Stand by I've got a Skype call

    What's a skype call. Is it serious?  :)))

    Got to go. dead on my feet, night night to all you Waltons everywhere XXX :))

    Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.

  • It's a way of calling a friend for free on the internet. One needs to Download Skpe (for free) add the contact name you want to call and click on the green button to call them !!  All done by mirrors Tish   :)

  • Unknown said:

    Jillian: Was that your loud Booo I heard as I was driving up the freeway? :-)

    RSPB launched this new site a month or so ago. Before that, we posted only to the Diary, which only updated a few times a day and not at all at night. The new site allows posts to go more quickly (at least in theory) which relieved the LG staff from the additional task of having to stop what they were doing at the Center and tend to us. There was - from my perspective - a lot less chat then because we were aware of the workload, etc. that the LG folks had. It was definitely more structured. As a result, a lot of folks started a Facebook site, where they could see their posts instantly. They also started a second page on FB for pure chat. Truth be told, they've had their own discussions about "appropriate" postings on their Loch Garten Observations page from time to time, so it seems to be par for the course.

    Meanwhile, back on this site, several of our earlier bloggers, who were very knowledgeable and helpful to us newbies, seemed to find the lack of structure on the new RSPB site distracting, and, sadly, don't post as much, which is a loss to us all. This (daily/weekly) page is a work in progress and is aimed at letting people discuss ospreys and anything else that's going on with them, which is not to say we have to be super-guarded about including non-osprey remarks on the Diary, just to make sure they don't become the dominant feature. The really good thing about this page is that it posts our comments immediately - instant gratification!!

    I hope that helps a bit in explaining things. Do take care and please stick around!  :-)


    The facebook site Loch Garten Bloggers was started last year when the main diary page went into hibernation as a means for all the bloggers from last year  to keep in touch over the winter months and not as a response to the changes here.  The administrator (Debby Thorne) on the facebook site  had to remove some offensive postings early on and the group has now settled down into a wonderful online community who not only talk about ospreys but Cakes (for Gary LOL) and just about everything under the sun.

    Hopefully your weekly chat  thread will do the same and keep people in touch through the long winter months of waiting. New things take a while to bed down and it is beginning to look very promising.

    For those who feel they could cope with two groups this is the link


    Click on the "View Discussion Board" link on the right to see our discussion topics.


    The only source of knowledge is experience. Albert Einstein

  • Hi everyone, just thought i would check out what is going on. I see my name was taken in vain by Carol (LOL) but she is right in what she said. It took the FB group a while to settle down and find it's feet and I'm sure this will happen here as well. We had lots of discussions about what should be on what thread and even now we veer off course sometimes. There are lots of great people here with lots of interesting things to say and long may it continue.

    Anyway, hope you don't mind me coming in.


  • Hi Annette, just wanted to say thanks for setting up this page - it's a really nice idea and I was heartened to read it after peeking at the 'Forum Page' or whatever it was called (sorry can't remember now).  I wanted to see what it was all about and actually wished I hadn't.  It's so sad that at the end of such a wonderful season things had to end up like that.  I felt really sad, but then I found this page and now feel much better!  So, thanks very much!  I'll keep reading and keep posting when I've got something to say and have got the time.  Best wishes to all.