Weekly Chat, Sunday, April 17, 2011

Evening all: Just off to check recent posts.


  • Phew!  What a day!  Got loads of things done – but ironing pile is still growing!  No time to do stuff with photos – may have to wait for a change in the weather – and that may be earlier than we expect, as OH watered whole garden tonight, which usually equates to a rain dance!


    Margo – hope your OH eventually found fridge-freezer to fit.

    Lindy – we lost our Pieris in the winter – and it seems the Lavatera is not going to revive – it started shooting after first bout of cold weather, and all the green shoots disappeared again in early March.  Sage also gave up – the third in as many years after having the same one as long as I can remember.

    Dibnlib – good to “see” you here again.  I hope the visit to the pub before church lubricated your voice for the hymns!

    George – I hope you soon shake off the chest infection now that you have antibiotics.  Sorry you have it cool and misty – we stopped at Loch Leven’s Larder on Wednesday, and it was fairly misty then – bought cheese scones (sharing size!) and butter lemon curd which you once recommended!

    Wendy – you are busy, with all that decorating and shopping too!  How wonderful to be on the regular flight-path of that Osprey.  We drove over Dava Moor on Tuesday, to visit Logie Steading – much more developed than on our previous visit some years back – spent time and money in the garden shop, and enjoyed some lovely soup.


    Time for a wee snack before bedtime – don’t know what, as we gardened too late to thaw planned pancakes, so need to root around in the fridge to find something!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Good morning all.

    Mating in Häme/Janakkala nest

    and in Seili

    Hope everyone has a nice day :)

  • Thanks everyone. Auntie, wonderful shots, amazing....

    Enjoy your weekend everyone.



  • Evening all: Went to see daughter this morning and had light lunch with her; she's reluctantly, but realistically, decided that she can't take the best care of Miss Molly while she's back and forth to Arizona and has sold her, for a nominal sum, to the manager of a ranch where she (my daughter) used to live. Miss Molly needs to be ridden and exercised regularly and daughter can't do that right now. Also, Miss M is quite excitable and daughter, who's been thrown a few times over the years, doesn't feel comfortable risking another possible injury. She's sad, but relieved somewhat (not to mention she'll save quite a bit on boarding costs!). Good news on the home tech front: Finally got my wireless printer and laptop talking to each other - hurray! Also, after making all the suggested fixes with the balky Panasonic (with no success) we'll be getting a replacement.

    Auntie: Always good to see you. Wow, Seili nest does sound - um - busy. Don't work too hard; enjoy those cams.

    Lindybird: Fingers crossed that Buzz will continue to improve without more meds. Also that your friend won't be too sore for long. Both ears creaky for a while today; then all felt better and went for a short walk after an unexpected shower left us with part of a rainbow. Who knows how ears will behave tomorrow.....

    Lynette: Daughter will be fine after a week or so, but accident may have "good" side effect that she'll be more aware in future (been there, done that). :-)

    Margobird: Appliances that are critical always go out at the worst times. Enjoy Ken. Brilliant news about Billie; she's obviously looking for somewhere to call home.

    OG: That's a lot of laundry; have fun with all those seeds.

    Brenda: Must now go Google labyrinthitis (assuming it doesn't mean you were going round in circles!)

    Alan: I went to Costco today and bought three very lightweight T-shirts - no handbags; just have one that has to go with everything.

    George: Good you went to the docs and got your chest infection sorted - just be sure you take those meds until they're all gone.

    To all those I missed - thanks for posts and news - always like to hear what's going on. Have a good Easter and take care!








  • Hello:  Have come on to find some great pics - Thanks!

    No time to reply to All as have to go out on Urgent Important Shopping Mission.  We have Son and Girlfriend over on Sunday for hopefully, a BBQ - something we don't plan very often!  This will probably mean that the fine weather will suddenly cease!  The air went 'heavy' last night and was followed by a thunderstorm and rain of course, so at least the garden got a bit of a soaking. Today looks a bit dull but we are promised sunshine again, later, and warm temps.

    I have been streaming with itchy eyes, and was relieved to find that it was in the News about there being a lot of pollen around, hence my hayfever, which doesn't usually trouble me until late summer.  Buzz is looking a lot more like his old self, so we are hopeful.

    margo:  Enjoy Ken Dodd tonight, he always makes me laugh, although I've not seen him 'live'.

  • ps.  Nice to see you posting, Kate2 !!

  • Auntie  !!!  superb pics  - may there be many eggs

    Alan - what a lovely capture (but it's not Rutland , is it?  )

    So pleased Buzz is responding to treatment Lindy.

    Good to 'see' you again Kate2

    Mmm, no time for OG  to do things with photos   !!  This is serious. Is there an ironing 'person' you could encourge to do the ironing for you OG? Looking forward to your next pics when you've time then

    Hip hip horray Annette - communication is always good between tech. I hope Miss Molly wil get a super new rider .

    Off hiking shortly. I hope everyone enjoys their day.

  • auntie thanks for the great pics from the nests, so close up too.


  • Hi All

    The "Red Tape Challenge" and Wildlife and Countryside Protection

    If you live in the UK, can I suggest you read this blog by Mark Avery, the RSPB's Conservation Director, and then take action as you see fit! As this is a political issue, I suggest we don't get into discussing it here - there is a thread running on this topic in the General Forum, here 

    Thanks, Sue C 

  • george g sorry that turned into a chest infection for you but hopefully medication will kick it into touch now.  take care now.
