• No sign of Lady or Laird - empty nest syndrome here, but she may very well be in the trees.

  • Empty nest but can see from the posts that they have both been seen recently.  Perhaps they are waiting for the weather to improve.  Will be sad when they both leave but hurry back Lady and Laird and safe journeys to you.  I am convinced they will be back and have better luck next year with chicks.


  • No updates since the 5th for our Lady and Laird.

    What a miserable lot the SWT are!!!

    If nothing goes right, go left! :-)

  • Sandra I so agree and the updates we get are hardly worth reading.  Somebody needs a swift kick up the behind.  I think they really have done so much damage this year, it is almost as though they don't want us to take an interest in what is an amazing nest and one very precious Lady and also the Laird.  Not the way to increase our knowledge of ospreys at all.


  • margobird said:
        Will be sad when they both leave but hurry back Lady and Laird and safe journeys to you.  I am convinced they will be back and have better luck next year with chicks.

    Hear hear!!  margo!

  • Sandra, I think it is truly a shame when charities choose to forget that they are in existence due to the kindness and belief of their supporters.  In this current climate many find that pennies are tight and therefore charities should not choose to "bite the hand that feeds them".  I for one have not visited LOTL many times this year as I have decided I have no desire to give them the entrance fee and allow them to continue with a bad service and value for money.

  • Well said Lmac!!

    I agree with Margo too. SWT needs a right kick where it hurts!!

    If nothing goes right, go left! :-)

  • I am not sure why people continue to be critics of The Scottish Wildlife Trust. They have comprehensively reported goings on at the nest 25/7, 27/7, 1/8, 3/8 and 5/8 and I am sure as soon as lady leaves they will report this. How many times have LG reported on Rothes during this same period or goings on at the nest - One blog. It is unfortunate that the nest failed this year not the fault of SWT quite a lot of nests failed in Scotland it is a bad year. They were precautious in ringing last year and rightly so given the distress by lady and may be also because the same people tried to hang them when they did ring in a previous year and the chicks died after putting them back in the nest. Imagine LG in the same situation if anything happens to EJ there may be a period of instability and that is all that LOL and SWT is going through. I am pleased to be part of the conservation that the SWT is doing in Scoltland elsewhere with over 120 reserves. The Beaver project is very successful please give them a chance.

  • Keith.

    Firstly, do you work for SWT?

    Secondly, do you agree with what they did this year about stopping their faithful followers of Lady and Laird from taking captures of them and posting them?

    I and many others saw no harm in us doing that!

    If nothing goes right, go left! :-)

  • There is a copyright law regarding downloading pictures and the using them as you say for "posting them". This is the law regardless of whether it be SWT or any other site some sites may turn a blind eye but then that is their choice - The SWT have decided to go with the law. Roy Dennis posts pictures that photographers have sent him recently Rothiemurchus with the photographers permission but it is not permitted to down load this and publish it. Sue C saught permission from the photographer of Rothes to post the pictures before she did so.

    The SWT are as dissapointed as anyone regarding the nest and if anything happens to lady their maybe a few years of un stability as there is at any nest. LG have gone through the same however at that time there was not the cams, sattelite tagging and all the commercial activity and hipe that goes on in the past two years. The situation can easily reverse where LOL becomes a settled site with chicks and LG fails. Two of my local nests this year have failed and may go through a couple of years unstability but that is nature. Please do not condem the SWT - In July there were 12 to 13 comprehensive reports from SWT on the Ospreys and other activities on the loch including info on the failed eggs which they did bother to investigate. I will continue to support the work of the SWT in conservation projects all over Scotland and I am sure others will do also - personally looking at the big whole picture they do satisfactory work and have done so in the past.