Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 15 September 2024


I hope everyone has a good week.

The moon turns full on Tuesday night (17 September) in the US and early Wednesday morning in the UK. It's a very close supermoon, so it should be beautiful. A partial lunar eclipse will be at maximum right after the moon becomes full.

The autumn equinox is next Sunday, 22 September.

You can find the exact times for the full moon, the eclipse, and the equinox by putting your town or city name in the search box at www.timeanddate.com. It's a safe site.

Hugs and love to everyone!!!

  • Diane:  Hope you've managed to start organizing things and feel more positive and comfortable with all that gear you bought.  It's certainly really cool here for September, especially after all the heat we had last week.  Still, it should fluctuate for a while longer before it settles - except our weather guy was forecasting snow over the Sierras.   I like the idea of that multi-purpose gadget.   We have an emergency short-wave radio that also comes with a flashlight and crank to generate power.  I should restock our earthquake supplies.....

    Worked for hours in the garden today and got ruthless and pulled ot some plants that have been struggling; not sure if I'll replace them..

    Anyway, hope everyone has a good week.  Will try to respond more to individal posts ......  Take care all.

  • Thank you Diane. I will look out for the full moon. I too hope you are feeling more positive about things.

    Annette - earthquake supplies!!! What a thing to have to do! We got a small one when we were in San Francisco on holiday way back, I was in bed and we had just arrived. I thought it was a bit of motion sickness but, it turned out the hotel was gently moving. It was obviously very minor as they go because there was no alarm. It was a bit weird though to say the least! 

    Well done in the garden Annette. I too had a big outside day yesterday. I cut the grass and did some tidying. I also washed the PVC surrounds of the garage as the door is getting painted on Friday if it doesn’t rain! Then I did a bit of reorganisation inside the garage. I was pleased with my efforts. Today, I have indoor jobs planned.