Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 11 August 2024


The weird summer of storms and torrential rain has produced a large population of super-powered mosquitoes here. They bite fiercely and produce huge welts plus extreme itching and aching at the site. I've never seen them like this. I have a 2-inch welt on on my forehead right now. Not very attractive!

I apologize for not making replies lately. I had to deal with some critical stuff and haven't been able to concentrate on all the folks here. I have now read your posts.

Everybody have the best week possible. Love and hugs to all.

  • Thanks as always Diane and sorry you re having to deal with stuff, so don't worry about replies - we will all be here when you are ready to join in.

    Does insect repellent spray work for mosquitoes? I have used it in Scotland to keep the midges at bay. Also a product by Avon called Skin so Soft is also very good if its still made.

    Nothing much going on with me - we are expecting 3 days of very hot weather so will be getting my walk in the early morning this week.

    Also preparing for my son and his family arriving later in the week for 5 days. Their work schedule means they can't all come together so Mum and kids arriving Thursday by train, she will go home Saturday afternoon, the kids will stay with me and my son will be driving here after work on Saturday - and should arrive about midnight. its a 3 hour drive so I hope he wont be too tired.

    Have a good week all and stay safe.

  • Thank you Diane for starting the week once again despite all your difficulties. Great sympathies re the mosquitoes. I also have huge reactions to insect bites, even the ones we get here, but those mossies sound extra aggressive.

    Life much the same here. We have had more visits from relatives. Very nice to see them, but OH gets  tired easily.

    I don't seem to have much spare time recently, but enjoy reading everyone's posts. Thanks to all.

    Very sorry about your situation Dibnlib. I also remember that this has been taking a long time to resolve.

  • Thank you Diane. The mosquitoes sound horrendous. Hope you have now got the critical stuff dealt with. 
    Harelady - enjoy the visit from your family. No doubt it will be tiring. 
    Dibnlib - really appreciated you sharing. Hope it has helped you in some small way. If only the court case could be over. You might get some sort of closure then however unsatisfactory. 
    Hope Lindy and her OH are relaxing in Wales. It is lovely weather. There will be a nice breeze near the coast too. 
    Hope OG’s 3 readings go OK at church. 
    I have just been out to pick another bunch of sweet peas. I just love being able to do that and it is worth all the effort tying them in earlier in the season. 
    Yesterday I had a most relaxing time on a canal boat!!! My brother in law skippers them for a charity and he took a group of his Probus friends and their partners for a spin. There was a spare place so my sister asked me. It was so peaceful just gliding along and I saw 3 kingfishers!! Great views. Most of the other people saw them too. We went from Preston Brook in Cheshire a 3 hour cruise down the Bridgewater Canal to Lymm where we had lunch in a pub (yes - another lunch out!!!!!) and then cruised back for 3 hours. We sat out at the front and just watched the scenery go by. There was plenty tea, coffee and cake on the boat too!!! 

  • That sounds lovely RUSTY.  OH occasionally volunteers on a barge which takes people for a trip free of charge.  It is mainly used for people with special needs or in care homes etc.  There are about 6 of these barges in Scotland it they are run by "The Seagull Trust"   Thank you to you and Rosy and OG for your further comments, it is good to share and I will be so glad when the whole thing is over and done with.  The detective from the financial investigation unit doesn't think Richard will get a custodial sentence but we read of a recent case with a similar theme and the woman got a 2yr 3 month sentence.  She also had power of attorney and embezzled £120k which is a mere snip compared with my brother.  

  • Morning all   Started off this morning by filling the bird feeder and then dropping it on the patio, destroying the feeder and making a huge mess.  The birds keep visiting the gutter and peering over the side in confusion.....   

    Diane:  I do worry about you.

    dibnlib:  I'm apoplectic that your bro may escape a custodial sentence.  He should be made to dig ditches for the rest of his days, but actually making people pay for their crimes seems to be deemed cruel and unusual punishment these days. 

  • So sorry, DIANE, that you are having a rough time with "critical stuff" as well as the "supermozzies".  I wish you a calmer time soon.

    HARELADY - enjoy the family visit, and I hope the children are well-behaved when you have them on your own - but it does seem wrong that the parents' holidays cannot be taken to co-incide.

    ROSY - OH's tiredness from vivitors must mean extra for you looking after everything - but as you say, nice to see them.  Our Dau#2 and her OH are calling here next Saturday to see us on there way from home (Highlands) to a wedding (his family in Cheshire).

    RUSTY - a good service this morning and a much-loved lady was back from recovering from a nasty fall - in a wheeelchair , but good to see her there.  Someone did suggest the two of us could run races in our chairs!  My readings went well - someone actually complimented me on my reading, saying she can actually understand the bible passages when I am reading them ...  Sounds like a good trip on the boat yeatetday!

    ANNETTE - was that the bird feeder which you couldn't decide on a home for?  So, problem solved, by breaking it!

  • RUSTY is not the only one having lunch out! Yesterday I did too - I sat on OH’s bed eating my sandwich while he occupied the chair for his lunch LOL. At last OH has been upgraded from mush to regular food. . . and he does enjoy it, clearing the plate!

  • Glad to hear it  AQ! 

    We are back in Wales after a very tiring week last week: we both slept a lot when we got here, for two days,  but then had to set to and put things back which had been altered for our family's visit recently.

    Hot weather yesterday & we just sat & read books, but today is clouded over, so are going out somewhere for lunch. Its still  very warm.

    Dibnlib- So sorry that the dreadful saga of your wicked brother has gone on and on - so hard for you. (HUGS) 

  • Thanks LINDY......I am sure others have worse things to deal with but this is my own personal nightmare and I just want it to go away!!!

  • Morning all:  

    OG:  Yes, that was the feeder.  I'm now tossing small handfuls of seed onto the patio a couple of times a day until I can figure out another alternative.

    AQ:  Lunch out is good, but I'm not sure a sandwich in a hospital counts.  :-)   

    Lindybird:  Sounds like you guys really need a few days of just relaxing.  How long are you going to stay?

    Watched - sort of  - the closing ceremonies yesterday.  Actually recorded them and then fast-forwarded through a lot of it.  I do like to see the athletes, but our TV folks kept running picture-in-a-picture with the ads dominating the larger part of the screen while I was busy shouting at them to 'tell us which country that group represents!!'    Still had problem with the flow of things - all sort of choppy.   Not sure what the point of the piano in the air was (clearly I lack artitistic vision).  I mean, just because you can do something doesn't necessarily mean you should.   Did not like the LA-based entertainment.  LA is defnintely not just rap music, and someone should've told that dancer in the little white outfit that she needed a larger size in shorts.  Call me old fashioned - most of my friends were hippies back in the day and things were pretty darn loose then , but I thought that segment was vulgar.  (However, the beach setting in Long Beach was nice. I lived there for about 40 years before moving here after I retired.)   

    Meanwhile, have a good day.