Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 28 July 2024


I just walked through the door, back from dog-sitting for friends in Indianapolis. Except for cuddling the dogs, it was an awful time in every possible way. I don't think I'm going to do it again. Probably won't be asked. My friend and I had a bad argument on the way home. I will do you all a favor and not detail my 5 days for you. 

No wildlife stories from me this week, except that there were also raccoons in the attic there.

I will now read and catch up with all your news. Everyone have a good week. Love and hugs to all.

  • Heather - good to hear from you. Dare I say you sound more positive. 
    Lindy - sad news about yet another funeral to attend. Glad you could get a bit of gardening done.

    OG - so sorry that you had such a painful leg the other night, I hope last night was better. 
    It was hot here yesterday. I did a bit of gardening in the morning but retreated inside in the afternoon. 
    Today I am taking a friend to a small nature reserve which she hasn’t visited. Also, a new cafe has opened near it so we are going to try it out!!! 

  • I'm not holding my breath, but things seem to be moving. OH assessed for permanent care and we are now waiting for a place in a Nursing Home. The Red Tape grindeth slowly.

    I finished OH's new cardigan today, in record time, just under 2 months.