Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 14 July 2024


I hope everyone has a good week.

The big female raccoon I told you about has 4 half-grown offspring. They don't seem to have any fear of me, and I'm trying to avoid them so I don't habituate them to humans.

I don't have any other wildlife stories. I've been indoors most of the week. The remnants of Hurricane Beryl hit Indiana with thunderstorms, flooding, and tornadoes. I'm fine, but it's been an ugly week.

Love and hugs to all.

  • Diane:  Thank you.   I don't want to comment on today's events......

  • Yes, I have now edited my post to delete any mention of political events. I started the thread and wrote my original comments BEFORE the news broke of the assassination attempt. I actually didn't say anything controversial originally, but in light of the later events, I have deleted even my general reference to recent politics.

    To be clear: My very mundane, off-hand comments took on unintended meaning after the violence was reported, and I apologize.

  • I do ..... and all I can say is, what a pity.  I've deliberately left that open to interpretation.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Yes. A sad state of affairs all round. I wonder if it will change anyone’s mind about gun laws?

    Anyway, today it is dry (hurray) and I am hoping to have a gardening day before the golf comes on at 3 and the football at 8 (if I dare watch)!! LOL. 
    Forgot to say thank you for starting us off Diane. I like the updates about your raccoon. I have been watching a pair of herring gulls for several weeks flying around in the road opposite. This morning I can see 2 chicks running about on a roof. They are not flying yet so the gulls must have nested there. I don’t see how as it is just a regular semi detached house sloping roof with a chimney stack in the middle! We are not by the sea here. The Dee estuary is about 8 miles away! 

  • Rusty - I'll be switching between the tennis and the golf this afternoon, but will ignore the football!  I suppose I'll hear the result at some stage ...

    Wonder of wonders ... there's something bright in the sky this morning!  I am looking forward to my very pretty drive across the Ashdown Forest to Crowborough shortly.  So much more pleasant in the sunshine!  We had absolutely torrential rain yesterday afternoon.  I was held prisoner, along with many others, after a meeting at church.  We couldn't even get to our cars for ages, and the car park was more like a river.  The height of summer?  I don't think so ...

  • Rusty2 said:
    I have been watching a pair of herring gulls for several weeks flying around in the road opposite. This morning I can see 2 chicks running about on a roof. They are not flying yet so the gulls must have nested there. I don’t see how as it is just a regular semi detached house sloping roof with a chimney stack in the middle! We are not by the sea here. The Dee estuary is about 8 miles away! 

    They will probably have nested on the chimney stack.  Fingers crossed all goes well for the chicks!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • PAT like you I will not be watching the football but looking forward to a good tennis match this afternoon,  ANNETTE  Great that the grunting in tennis has almost disappeared.  We glanced out of our window a couple of days ago and for the first time we saw a red squirrel curled round the nut feeder.  We have had them in the garden many times but never feeding.  i thought it may remove the lid and tip the nuts on the ground for easier consumption but no.

  • How lovely to see a red squirrel Dibnlib. Greys here I am afraid. They are cunning. Because I have “squirrel proof” feeders, they climb on them and shake them to make the seeds fall out!!!!! Then they go down to the ground and eat them!!!

    Clare - that was my thought about the nest. There doesn’t seem much room though. Can’t really walk down the road with my bins and look up at someone’s roof can I????!!!!! 

  • Yes we are lucky to have red squirrels here and in the past few years we have seen them on a regular basis, but never tire of their beauty and acrobatic skills.

  • Diane:  No need to apologize   I was aware of the event but felt my comments would be 'un-Christian' to say the least!  

    Watching the tennis, but Djokovic is having a more extended bad streak than we often see when he plays.