WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY JULY 7 2024

Hallo all.  Happy New Week.

  • Annette - my OH is not too bad physically, but we are both tired from the stress of waiting weeks to find out what ails him. He is slowing down on his activities and I think he's beginning to feel his age a little.

    We've had a few sweet treats lately, blow the calories!! 

  • ps - He goes into hospital for his procedure on Wednesday this week. Just a day case, not being admitted. 

  • I'm wondering if the new government will be able to turn things around quickly....hope so.

  • I doubt it. What the NHS really needs is a total overhaul which might be one of those painful changes to implement  but so far, no government has been willing to grasp the nettle. Its not just a matter of money, but how it's distributed, and the way the whole thing is run.

  • Thank you ANNETTE for starting us off when DIANE was busy with her wildlife.

    RUSTY – I too was puzzled by the coin & appreciate you telling us the size. BTW I am “ambidextrous” as I still speak both metric and old inches, miles, etc. I hope the strawbs taste as good as they look.

    ANNETTE – Tennis starts about 7.30 pm our time and so far I have only seen rain delays. Cycling starts about 9 pm, finishing about 1 am. I start watching, fall asleep, wake for last 40 km or so, wonder where are those cyclists that had been leading, and usually see the finish. Then I go to bed and try to sleep.

    LINDA - Little Amber ain’t so little anymore! Best wishes for Wed’s diagnosis.

    I visited OH yesterday. On the plus side he was sitting in a chair in pjs (previously hospital gown). I didn’t stay long as he again became agitated and wanted to go home. Understandable, I would be the same.

  • Lindybird said:
    What the NHS really needs is a total overhaul which might be one of those painful changes to implement  but so far, no government has been willing to grasp the nettle. Its not just a matter of money, but how it's distributed, and the way the whole thing is run.

    I can certainly agree with that last and it is something the Prime Minister promised to tackle some time ago.  Bother is, too many in the NHS will dig their heels in, kicking and screaming.  And I'm talking about medical staff here, not just accountants.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • It is the dreaded dentist again.  Back in December I had to have an extraction.......it went wrong and the roots stayed firmly where they were.  It has taken 7 months but I finally went to the Inverness Dental Clinic to have the job completed.  It took an hour,  I don't know who was most exhausted, the dentist or me????

  • dibnlib:   Hope you were suitably numbed for that!  Sounds awful.   

  • Thank you first of all to Diane for again starting the week off.

    Hi all, not been on for some time.    We'll have to see how things go with our new government but I agree with you Lindy, the NHS does need a complete overhaul.   Do hope your OH's procedure goes well and that they can get to the bottom of what is ailing him.

    Rusty- like those strawberries. My dau is growing some but at present they are titchy.

    dibnlib - do hope that you are now fully recovered. I don't mind going to the dentist but must admit you had a pretty raw deal the first time around, hopefully now all well.

    We travelled down to Bristol for the day last weekend as it was my S.GGranddaughters 4th birthday party.   Mum had the party in the local Methodist Chapel in one of the halls.   As you can imagine, a room full of kids that age but fun was had by all and hardly a tear in sight.   We then went down to my S.Gdaughter's house and enjoyed watching Ava open her presents before we went back on our way to Northampton.

    Went to see Sister Act at our local theatre the other week , its a fantastic show, and if you get chance to go and see it, do.

    Waiting to see the orthopedic consultant in 2 wks time about my right knee.  I'm hoping he will give the goahead to a replacement but will then have to wait my turn in another que. Still I should be comparitively pain free if it goes ahead.

    Do hope all of you are keeping reasonable well.  Take care all.

  • Thanks Annette.....The dentist doesn't usually bother me but I was not looking forward to this morning. Yes, I was very numbed up and will need pain killers for a few days....I was told day 3 will be the worst      aargh