Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 30 June 2024


I hope everyone has a good week!

The red Northern Cardinals on my patch have chicks! I'm listening to them chirping, demanding food as I type.

My thoughts are with AQ, LINDY, and OG/Eagle-Eye tonight.

Love and hugs to everyone.

  • Sorry I've been AWOL.  Most frustrating - after having problems when away, getting online, I now have another problem with this Site as it wouldn't recognise me on my mobile phone. So I've fired up the desktop pc at last - been busy all day after returning home yesterday. And its so cold!! Yesterday put the heating on (in JULY!!!) and am going to put it on again in a minute....

    AQ - My thoughts have been with you for days. What a hard situation you have. However, your OH will need care, it sounds, and at least now you can get some much needed rest and pick up some of the threads again. We will all be thinking of you, I'm sure.

  • Happy 4th July to you all in the USA - much too late,now, I suppose!  I always remember the 4th July as it was my much loved (by everyone) mother in laws birthday. Annette, what a dilemma - I wouldn't want to put a dampener on things either but it sounds a bit awkward....

    Just off to see how the Exit Polls went on our blinking election - couldn't get interested this year as such a dreaful situation {what a ghastly choice!} but we did go and vote as I never forget that women died so that I could have one.

  • The BBC website is predicting a not-unexpected landslide for Labor.  Now, can they do the job?

  • What a great supportive bunch you are – HEATHER, SUNNYKATE, HARELADY, RUSTY, DIANE, DIBNLIB, ROSY, CLARE, PAT, ANNETTE, BJANE, LINDA – thank you so much.

    I had a long phone chat with Dau#1 yesterday - between her coughing – she cannot visit her father as she has a chest infection. (End of term 3 for school teachers & by then caught bugs from kids.) Today’s agenda is to sweep & wash kitchen floor, rest, introduce myself to vacuum cleaner, rest, feed myself & more rest. Maybe search TV for highlights of Wimbledon or cycling which I slept through last night!

  • AQ:  Good to read you have some time to catch up on the important stuff - Wimbledon or cycling - (insert naughty word) the sweeping and washing!  :-)

    Meanwhile, just got this from UK niece:


    So far this morn I have done nothing on top of list. Instead, a load of washing that could have waited and put my autumn-flowering gladioli bulbs to store until spring planting - they have been waiting for a month. Time to rest.

  • Morning (UK) Annette and AQ 

    love the Private eye (even wrong party) Ha!!!

    AQ will take time to realise time is your OWN, no worrying  about being on call 24/7. BIG HUGS as always.


  • They had better be able to ..... though in comparison to their predecessors I think they can only be an improvement.  I don't have a Tory MP any more ........ I'm still pinching myself!  They usually weigh the blue vote here!!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Lindybird said:
    I never forget that women died so that I could have one.

    Ditto .... and I know I'm not the only one around here.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Not a shock result as most was predicted- just the amount of seats won/lost...

    Our MP hung on by the skin of her teeth, Esther McVey. But only 2 other Tory MPs now in this part of the NW where it used to be pretty blue. The new Gov will no doubt sound exciting for about a week, then the usual apathy will set in as they do the same things as many before them-- "Well, we know we promised blah blah but we can't do that just now, because......blah blah"  Sorry but I've been disenchanted with the whole thing for years.

    AQ - Good that you're getting things done  even if not in the right order! Nothing new in this house, that's for sure. 

    Annette - LOL!!

    Watching some of the tennis whilst I'm  supposed to be gardening - its sunny here, too, so an opportunity to rip out some overgrown ivy & replace with something which flowers instead. My OH has been trimming hedges and mowing the grass which we laughingly call 'a lawn!'