Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 16 June 2024


The solstice is Thursday in the UK and the US. 

I don't have any wildlife/nature stories to impart today. We've been warned to expect extreme, perhaps record-breaking, heat starting Monday and to last indefinitely. So I've been preparing. I ordered a new fan today to arrive Monday. Temps are predicted to hover around 100 degrees F (38 C). That might not sound bad, but Indiana is very humid in summer.

Hugs and love to everyone. Sending strength to those facing adversity.

  • Lindy - I cannot believe what happened to your OH at his appointment. I know full well how worked up you get when awaiting a test and, hopefully, a diagnosis. I feel really sorry for your OH and you too. Was any indication given as to when this new appointment might be? 
    Heather - really good to read about your determination to get back to full independence. 
    OG - glad to hear that J might be improving. I had thought that you and EE would be tired and stressed with it all. I hope things continue to improve.

    Dibnlib - I have seen the puffins at Sumburgh. Yes, they are very close. The big difference is that in Norway there are just such huge numbers of them. It is so good to see. 
    I am still very tired and in catch up mode. I had my hair done today. It was very dry, windswept and shaggy!!!! The rest did me good and this afternoon I planted 2 more pots and applied for compensation from Finnair. I sent photos of all my receipts. 
    Still lots to do but I feel as if I am getting there. I will begin my travelogue soon. You have already had the ending (lol)

  • Well, I seemed to repeat the same post 3 times yesterday. No wonder no one has been on since!!!

    I do hope everyone is OK. At last it is a sunny day here. I went to town this morning and met a friend for coffee and a long catch up. This afternoon I have done some more gardening and can at last see the light at the end of the tunnel. 
    Guess where I am going tomorrow? Yes. Birdwatching!!! LOL. Hoping to see the little tern colony at Gronant Dunes near Prestatyn. 

  • No useful news etc from here, and we really are very tired - although did manage lunch out and M&S Food today.  My posts will be be more erratic than normal while wrestling with magazine, but will do my best..

  • Hello to all Thanks for news.. I don't seem to have much spare time recently. OH still needs quite a lot of help with everyday things. It is lovely that family are visiting him, but it means extra shopping and catering.

    Annette,  I got advice from Professer Google re folding fitted sheets. She was very helpful with several YouTube videos, one from Good Housekeeping.

    Lindy,  So sorry to hear about your OH's hospital appt. fiasco. Not even being offered a cup of tea was beyond thoughtless. When you get to see the right person care is generally good, but admin is not!!!

     Good to hear from Heather, OG, Rusty (never a dull moment for her)  Dibnlib and others not mentioned.

  • Yesterday we went to survey the new Hospital which my OH will have to attend:  it has a good reputation for excellence, but a really bad reputation for finding anywhere to park!! Its many miles from here and took us nearly 3/4 of an hour to get to, so we will have to allow an hour in future...  After our drive around, we drove out again and went for a coffee at John Lewis which is not too far away.  We also shared a large slice of Carrot Cake!

    After picking up some nice pies and bits in M&S on the way back, we arrived home to find a brown envelope on the step--  An NHS letter  was inviting my OH for an appointment a week from tomorrow for a talk with the consultant where we had just been. This will only be another chat, so no sign of actual action on the horizon -- I was beyond cross, as when I got out my diary I found that my OH has been waiting from the 3rd of May since he first saw his own GP. about his problem. So when he sees this new man, it will have been TWO MONTHS! We sat later, discussing whether he should "go privately" but decided it might only save a few days.

    The good news is that he has been better in the last two days, but of course that might only be a temporary respite, and from what? We still don't know.

    This morning he had some fence panels delivered, and is now out there, putting up the first two panels of seven....  Never one to sit around.

  • Rusty, not surprised to hear that you're tired. Such an exciting trip but marred by the muddle at the end. ~A shame as it took the edge off.  Looking forward to your pics and story of your trip.

    OG - Sorry you're all tired now, after Js problem.  Hope he's recovering now. Good luck with the magazine production!

    Diane,  We heard on our World News that you in the middle of USA are all suffering badly with the heat. I hope your new fan is helping. Take Care. EDIT:  Also sad to hear about the very bad fires again in California.

    Rosy:  Its a problem, isn't it, that people want to visit when you are already tired and busy. You probably feel like pulling up the drawbridge, even though it's kind of them to come. Try to find pockets of time to just sit and rest, yourself.

    Thank you to everyone who is commiserating on our saga at present: we still hold out hope for a happy outcome. I hope I'm not being boring, but it does help to come on here and moan!!


    "Spring has come again.

    Earth's a-bubble With all those poems she knows by heart-

    Oh, so many....  "

    from Sonnets to Orpheus by Rainer Maria Rilke  (Austrian poet 1825-1926)

  • Back from two days in the LA area; God there are so many people and so much traffic - and noise!   So nice to be home.

    Lindybird:  Even moer frustrating!  Is anyone connecting the dots?  

  • I had a well-person appt today with senior nurse - she agreed with me that I should not have been sent a letter, and if I get another one I should just tell them it makes no sense to have me on the list!  We did have a nice chat and some reminiscences!

    Ali painted our deck today after cleaning it yesterday.

    J still has some better moments - and is eating odd bits from time to time - mostly chocolate mousses and his dinner tonight was a banana.  He returns to doc tomorrow to see if they have come up with any possible diagnosis or whether he has to be referred.

  • Annette - I know what you mean about lots of traffic and people! Finland was so quiet and peaceful that even my little semi rural town seems really busy. 
    OG - I hope J gets some kind of diagnosis soon. It must be so worrying for you.

    Lindy - I am afraid that letter your OH received sounds so typical of the NHS. What a waste of time. Meanwhile, as you say, the months and weeks are ticking by without any diagnosis or treatment. Glad he is feeling a bit better anyway. 

    I have been to see the little tern colony at Gronant Dunes near Prestatyn today. It seems that, so far, they are doing well this year. Whist walking through the dunes we were accompanied by the beautiful songs of skylarks. Joyous. It is also lovely to see the little terns (and they are little with smart black heads and yellow beaks) flying around and diving just offshore for fish. 
    On the photo, if you look to the right, you can just see the predator fencing at the start of the colony. 

  • Dau came Tuesday for lunch. She & dog joined OH on his daily walk.

    RUSTY – Not the way one wants to “visit” Paris. However, much better on return leg than having start of trip messed up. PS I am jealous of your puffin – on my visit to northern Scotland, it was a bad year for puffins. I saw one flying in distance – or at least I was told it was a puffin!

    ANNETTE – More granny duty? You have to be joking; I don’t have time. Dau is a 50 min drive away and I try not to leave OH for more than 2½ hours.

    OG – Respite is hard to get. And it wouldn’t work with OH. He dislikes any change or strangers. He has no friends; last one died before covid. He wouldn’t go to a men’s group.