Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 16 June 2024


The solstice is Thursday in the UK and the US. 

I don't have any wildlife/nature stories to impart today. We've been warned to expect extreme, perhaps record-breaking, heat starting Monday and to last indefinitely. So I've been preparing. I ordered a new fan today to arrive Monday. Temps are predicted to hover around 100 degrees F (38 C). That might not sound bad, but Indiana is very humid in summer.

Hugs and love to everyone. Sending strength to those facing adversity.

  • Well,  it's been an interesting morning.  I'll gloss over the fallen tree covering most of a main road, on the way, and the roadworks right outside the Hospital Entrance....

    In spite of these fun obstacles, we still got there early. I deposited my OH with instructions to Do As He's Told, and went home (via the tree again) and had breakfast. By 9.00am he was on the phone: He saw the Consultant who didn't even examine him, just read his notes. He immediately exclaimed "You shouldn't be here, you need to go to another Hospital where they can do any remedial surgery if they find anything" !!!!

    As we were told that a fortnight ago,  it was just a bit annoying. And someone else would have missed out this morning, who could have had the slot. GRR.

    I collected my OH with a big box of biscuits in the car, as he'd had nothing to eat since 7.00pm the night before. Not even offered a cup of tea or coffee either, and no money on him for the coffee machine  as you're told to arrive without valuables!!

  • LINDY  What a nuisance, I hope you got an appt for the other hospital very soon.  OG  How awful for you all that J is in such pain.  RUSTY/LINDY  The puffins used to arrive at Sumburgh Head every April and we would rush to see them,  as in RUSTY's pic we would get very close and they didn't seem worried at all. I was much more worried about slipping as we were on the edge of a steep slope.  They would depart Shetland at the beginning of August.....bye bye puffins till next year.  

  • ANNETTE: Are you far enough away not to be in immediate danger from the Post Fire? I can't tell from the news reports. I know it has burned 23 miles, and is only 2% contained right now. But I don't understand the way it's traveling. Hope you aren't breathing smoke. Like others, I am deeply relieved you no longer have to make that drive to Arizona. You must have been really scared when you blew that tire in such dangerous heat. I hope the house sells immediately and you can be done with it. It would here, because of the housing shortage.

    LINDY: Oh, dear. I am so sorry the health care system failed you today. I was so hoping your OH would get some definitive answers. Just awful. Sending you hugs and strength. I hope you are feeling better physically. You've had "a hard row to hoe" lately, as we say here in the Midwest when facing adversity. 

    More replies in a little while. I need coffee. It's early here.

  • CIRRUS: Thank you for your very kind comments to me. I appreciate them so much. I hope you're having a good summer and are enjoying the ospreys and other wildlife. Stay cool and use your umbrella. Don't let yourself get poorly.

    I also send good wishes to SunnyKate. I know you've had a rough year. I think of you and send strength often. Also hello to WendyBartter and Scylla.

  • Lindybird;  That's beyond frustrating!  Why couldn't they do the scan and at least they''d know if there was anything to follow up on!  Now another wait? 

    Diane:  I am so done with Arizona (a lovely state but....) - and the Post Fire is down behind LA so no issues here but it looks to be a busy fire season. Im down in LA tomorrow for friend's retirement do; will stay the night, drive around my old stomping grounds and see another old friend Wednesday, then home that evening.  Hope to pull up the drawbridge then - at least for week or three.

  • Just a wee update – J has been a bit better from time to time today, but still far from well.  He had a routine blood test today, received a letter about his latest MRI result and is expecting a call from GP senior partner tomorrow about that and visiting the Doc on Friday whom he saw last week!

    E-E and I are exhausted – I through lack of rest and him through being so busy looking after two of us.

    LINDA – sorry you were let down again by poor NHS communication!  I hope you get the appt soon for the other hospital.  Our NHS was hacked in hospital and we all have warnings to watch for misuse of our stored data.


  • OG:  Glad J is doing somewhat better.   I can imagine the stress/fatigue you and OH are under.  Try to take as much care of yourselves as possible.  Hugs from here.

  • Thank you for starting the week, DIANE.

    RUSTY - What a journey home .! Glad that your holiday was so successful, though.

    OG - Sending best thoughts to you and EE. Thanks for the update on J. No wonder EE is so tired.... 

    LINDY - as OG says - poor communication in the NHS. I hope that this will resolve itself soon, for you and your OH.

    ANNETTE - Thank goodness that your journeys to Arizona are coming to an end. This last one sounds awful. How does your OH manage when you are away? 

    ROSY - I didn't need carers after my discharge from hospital ( offered but I refused). I can imagine how the visits made planning your day very difficult. I hope that your OH makes good progress and can get rid of at least one crutch before long. 

    I found the confidence yesterday to go to and fetch my emptied bins. The fear of another fall has hampered me somewhat. My oven was given a proper clean yesterday by a specialist guy. Now it looks like new !! I'm fortunate in that one or other of my daughters changes my bed linen each week and does vacuuming etc for me. Soon, I hope to do these things myself. Onwards and upwards !



  • HEATHER  love to hear you sounding so positive.  Take care.