Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 9 June 2024


I hope everyone has a good week.

I am the Spider Queen! I suddenly have a bunch of spiders in my house, and some of them are species I've never seen before. One type have bright orange-red bodies and 4-inch legs! And they have an odd, powerful, sweet odor! I have no idea why this is a spider summer. Maybe the relentless rain, which is predicted to begin again at 10 pm. 

Maybe I'll send this torrential rain to AQ.

Sending love and hugs to all, plus strength to all of you facing adversity.

  • Oh dear. I've not been on here lately as busy: we returned home today.

    AQ - So very sorry to hear your news. What a sudden blow for you all. Sending {{HUGS}} and thinking of you.

    Annette - Pleased you had a good start to your trip. Hope all goes well.

  • AQ,  Like everyone else on here very sorry to hear your news. You have enough to contend with already.

    Best wishes to all carers (and of course to those being cared for).

    My OH is slowly recovering from his hip fracture. I don't know if he will get back the mobility he had before.

    I have a cherry tree on my terrace, my OH's  birthday present from our son last September. We enjoyed the blossom in the spring, and watching the development of four cherries, They are now red, but the birds must have discovered them this evening. One is missing, and two of the others have bits missing! So far, the birds had not discovered the roof terrace. I have brought them (the remains cherries) indoors.

    Annette, also pleased for you that this should be the last of your long drives. Wishing you a good trip home.

  • Sorry I missed Tuesday – things are so muddled right now!

    AQ – Sorry about S-I-L.  When did he leave – sounds as if it was a while ago seeing that he had somewhere for the three girls to sleepover.  Maybe D didn’t know how to tell you earlier.  I remember her wedding when we all first met on here!

    J says he now has a lump in his mouth – I reckon anyone could induce a lump when they can’t seem to leave it alone!  He is seeing a doctor tomorrow.

    Today we are going out for garden centre lunch and shopping – and he wants to leave a leather jacket for dry cleaning.  This is the trip which was postponed last Friday due to his mouth.

    Mowing man has nearly finished the gate – we were able to shut it last night.  He is popping in when passing between other jobs – I don’t know how he will price the work!  One of our cleaners is on holiday.  Other one came on her own and prioritised ironing.  She has now said she will come to do an hour ironing next week – then the other one will be back the week after while this one jets off to Mexico!

  • Rosy - good that  your OH is recovering, even if slowly. These things do take time unfortunately. I hope he continues to progress.

    I went for a haircut and did a few errands in the town. Was tired out when I got back. I'm watching my diet in an effort to gain energy as I have none.

  • Lindybird:  Haha.   

    Staying the night in a hotel near Palm Springs en route home. Will be so glad to get home tomorrow!

    Take care everyone.

  • Hello!!!! I am at an airport hotel in Helsinki and fly home today. I have been reading your news but have had absolutely no time to reply. This has been the best holiday ever. We saw 212 species of birds in 3 weeks and 12 species of mammals including a rare wolverine. The weather, scenery and company has been fantastic. I am very tired as we never stopped. In the Arctic it never got dark so we birded from early til late.
    Sending one scenery photo and one of the bird of the trip (a white billed diver in Vardo harbour) Once I am settled in at home, I will try to do some kind of resume! 

  • RUSTY   Sounds amazing. I had heard of a wolverine but had to look it up just to be sure. Do you mind me asking, what company did you go with.