Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 2 June 2024


I hope everyone has a good week.

I saw the Red-Bellied Woodpecker pair today. They were both drumming loudly where the walls of my enclosed porch meet the roof. The male flew at the window menacingly when he saw me glaring at him, and then he landed in the tree next to the porch and looked at me defiantly. He knows I'll yell at him for drilling on the house. LOL LOL He's a feisty bird. I was glad to see him with a mate.

Be sure to check back to last week's thread to see the lovely photo posted by Lindy of her granddaughter and Bonnie the dog.

Love and hugs to everyone.

  • HEATHER – good to be seeing you on here more often.  J is now regularly attending a Church of Scotland Church; they have various visitors to lead their services as their Minister is on long term sick leave – very seriously ill.  I guess your youngest SiL doing your garden is now based back here in Scotland – no more adventures down under?

    PAT – re the tooth – just keep smiling!  I hope you will get good weather for Hever – weather seems to have swapped from north to south this week!

    LINDA – how are you both?  Hope you will get some sunshine to enjoy the Poppies.

    A fairly balanced day here today – J had to visit phone shop this morning to buy a case for his new phone to avoid scratches.  OH gave him a lift as he went to take bric-a-brac to charity shop and deliver the church bags to the food bank.  Dreading tomorrow visit from podiatrist as my toes are really painful – but I have managed to wait the full six weeks!

  • OG - Thanks for asking - but not much news on the health front except I am getting over my cough now, although I am very weary- it's knocked the stuffing out of me. I nearly asked our Eldest not to visit as I was not feeling up to having someone stay, but we had not seen either of them for months and my OH said he would help with the cooking etc. (Although at present I'm supposed to be looking after HIM!). He heard from the Urology dept. yesterday but they don't seem to be rushing anything. Its very frustrating.

    Sorry you have painful toes.Hope you get relief.

  • HEATHER – OH has had the same meds now for 2-3 years. It is the progress of the Parkinsons as his brain is gradually damaged. Like dementia. Progress? Actually the opposite! I cope, most of the time.

    Thanks to ALL for your comments & support. I managed to find some extra clothes that he will wear without complaint. It makes drying easier as winter is or should be near. Twins 10th birthday yesterday; how the years have flown. We hope to them visit this weekend all being well. Unfortunately covid, flu & RSV are  raging through our state. Why don’t people get jabbed.

  • OG  hope all goes well with the podiatrist 

  • OH has gone for yet another CT scan this time on his pancreas. this will be his 5th scan since the new year, hopefully all will be well.

  • HI!  Podiatrist was very gentle with me today and decided not to do much chopping about round my toes – actually pain free right now.

    We both went for our “Spring” vaccines this afternoon!  EE had a letter in March giving a date for May.  We queried a date for me and I was apparently on the email list while he was on the postal list.  We were told to phone at beginning of May!  They then gave a date for me, but couldn’t move them to be same date!  We had to phone up and we were then allowed to move his to same date as mine!  I asked while we were there about next (winter) booster and flu and was told they are planned for October and I would be allowed them even though it will only be 4 months from today, not the usual 6 months – we shall see!

    Mowing man was here this morning – he is going to sort out our gate which needs re-fixing – I think it was him who left it banging in the spring so weakening the hinges and fixings, but don’t know for sure who did it.  Odd job man married to cleaner had promised to come and do it, but never turned up.

    LINDA - that cough did last a long time.  I am sorry your OH still does not have a diagnosis – surprised, too.

    AQ – glad you are not facing a winter laundry crisis now.  Unbelievable that the two “littlies” are now 10 years old!  I hope you and family escape the winter ills in the area.

    DIBNLIB – there won’t be many parts of your OH which haven’t been scanned!

  • OG - pleased to hear your toes are sorted, and not too painfully!! 

    I had a bad night with sickness and diarrhoea so must have eaten something... racking our brains as we've both been having an identical diet and my OH is fine! Anyway, laid in bed till late morning, transferred to sofa and slept for neary two hours! 

    AQ - Goodness, ten years have indeed flown by - I remember the excitement of their birth. What a credit they are to their family.

  • Finally got some progress on my OHs condition -- he is to go for a pre op tomorrow, and have an exploratory examination under anaesthetic on the 27th. Its a painful procedure so has to be done with you "out" . Hopefully we will then get a diagnosis at last. 

    They did say that nothing untoward came up on the scan he had, so that's a comfort.

  • LINDA - I hope that is as good news as it sounds! - but sorry he is still waiting!  I hope your "tummy" stays calm this evening and tonight.

  • Thanks OG - had nothing but water at first, but managed a couple of dry crispbread squares. Feeling a bit queasy still, but much better now.