Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 2 June 2024


I hope everyone has a good week.

I saw the Red-Bellied Woodpecker pair today. They were both drumming loudly where the walls of my enclosed porch meet the roof. The male flew at the window menacingly when he saw me glaring at him, and then he landed in the tree next to the porch and looked at me defiantly. He knows I'll yell at him for drilling on the house. LOL LOL He's a feisty bird. I was glad to see him with a mate.

Be sure to check back to last week's thread to see the lovely photo posted by Lindy of her granddaughter and Bonnie the dog.

Love and hugs to everyone.

  • Sorry, folks. I intended to make some replies tonight. I'd been thinking all day about what to say. But now my lights are blinking because we've had storms and torrential rain AGAIN. I'm going to need to build an ark. LOL

    I'll respond tomorrow.

  • Diane: Thank you!  And don't forget to take those Woodpeckers along on the ark.  I heard the severe storms/tornadoes, etc are typical in April/May - but now it's June.  I went to the local nursery today but no sign of my favorite salvia; the owner said our unseasonably cool spring is holding everything back.

    Lindybird:  OMG.  When did Amber grow up?!  How old is she now?  Lovely photo and how nice you had a day out with them.  Glad the weather held..  Too bad her Mom isn't a dog person.  My granddaughter promised Ms D she could buy a Dalmatian if she saved for it (not a rescue, which is our normal way of acquiring pets).  It' a great dog, but I suspect my granddaughter won't be so quick to make similar promises in the future.  :-)

    OG:  My daughter is the same way - tends to address various health issues in spurts....  Oh well....

    I'm sure you all heard about the Orange Felon; don't want to dwell on him, but I was thrilled for about two minutes before I remembered his followers are just fine with his new status.   Ye Gods.

  • Ye Gods indeed, Annette! Once upon a time it would have meant the end of a political career. ....

    Diane, thank you for starting us off, and love the tale of your woodpecker. Hope your weather calms down. 

    Yes, Amber is 9 now and will in fact be 10 in August. Still a child in lots of ways but now you can see the adult she'll become, peeking through.

    The sun is out here but its still chilly outside- forecast fine and warm so we are planning  to get some gardening done. 

    Hope everyone has a good Sunday.

  • DIANE  Thank you for starting the week.  I looked up your woodpecker....what a beaut.  We were thrilled earlier this week when we had our first Great Spotted Woodpecker on the nuts in our garden.  He left and returned a few mins later, then again the next day.  Haven't seen it since Wednesday but of course he may have been around without us seeing him.  Anyway I am making sure I am keeping the nuts well topped up.

  • Thought you might like to see some close up pictures I managed to get in Tatton Park - there were two young Red deer right next to the path and as we approached, they did not move but kept on cropping grass. Thankfully Bonnie was on the lead as although she would never attack them, she might have disturbed them. We walked past very gently and we were rewarded with a really close encounter!!

  • DIBNLIB - how great to have a woodpecker visit you. We get them very occasionally and yes, it's always the nuts they're after.

  • Lovely pix Lindybird.  Deer seem to be such peaceful creatures.   Thanks for sharing.

    Finally got my car back in the garage today after days of tidying up and taking various strange, wonderful and useless (to us0 items hither and yon.  And there's still room to spare!  Hurray!