Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 12 May 2024


I hope everyone has or will have a chance to see the aurora. This G5 geomagnetic storm is making history as one of the three most powerful in modern times.

I have always wanted to see the aurora borealis, and it has been at the top of my bucket list for many years. Last night, the sky was overcast and rainy over my patch, although elsewhere in my area people took stunning photos of the glorious colors. Tonight, it's clear and the geomagnetic storm is even more intense. I have lingering pneumonia and raging infection, but I am determined to go outdoors around midnight and look for the lights. My land is spooky at night, because of the dark woods and the night creatures (coyotes, bobcats, bats, raccoons, barred owls...), but I WILL see the aurora!

I hope everyone has a good week!

Love and hugs to all.

  • LINDY  Glad you have come home to so much colour.

  • Diane:  Per Harelady and PatO:  Yes!  How are you?  Enquiring minds and all that.....    :-)

    Also wondering how Lindybird and OH are today.

  • Um. Thanks for all the good wishes, and especially for Diane's lovely post where she thought of everyone so kindly. I feel a fraud now,  as I have virtually No News! 

    We had an early lunch and set off for the hospital for my OH's tests a full hour before the appointment, even though its only half an hour away. But alas. Halfway there we were in a huge traffic jam, caused by roadworks. We waited patiently but no one moved after a bit. In the end, my OH said we were going to be late,  so he did a U turn on the road (as others had done) and we set-off down narrow lanes to another town. From there  we could approach the part of the town we wanted, via another route! We arrived just about on time & I left him there for his test, so I could park in a nearby supermarket, do  a bit of shopping & he could ring me. After only 2 minutes I saw him walking!!

    He said that they couldn't do the test today. And, by the way, did he know he was booked for a Scan next Monday? He said no, but they said we should have had a letter. Around here the post is so bad we often only get letters once a week!! It's dreadful.

    He has had a bad night worrying and now it might turn into another fortnight - we shall have to see.

  • I cannot believe that the NHS communicates through snail mail!!!   That's awful.  "They couldn't do it today"??? So what was today's appointment for.  Arghhh!  And will they be able to do the scan on Monday when he gets there?   Geez Louise!  How frustrating for you both.

  • Lindy - So sorry you and your OH have had such a frustrating day.  Yes, the 'snail mail' route is not ideal - I received an appointment two days after the date it mentioned!  Of course there are still people without internet access - but most of them have a landline.  Grrrrr  Only hope the appointment on Monday happens, and I do hope he doesn't have to wait too long for the tests to be done.

  • Thank you both. We were weary and frustrated indeed when we got back home. Its quite a hot day here: good job I had packed a flask with a cold drink.

    Annette, my OH has been passing blood for over ten days now. The Doc made no comment as to what he thought could be the cause, so we have no  idea how serious it could be. They took a urine sample today and of course he has already had a blood test-- one thing we do know is it can't be the prostate cancer back again which he had ten years ago as he has had regular check ups for that ever since. Maybe its a bladder problem. I'm really pleased they will be doing a Scan soon. Yuk. Grr!

    Edit: Pat, he has a smartphone and has recently been more confident with it,  so we are both on the NHS App. which is useful: it showed today's appointment after he had had a conversation and an appointment made on the phone when we were in Wales.

  • LINDY: This is none of my business, and I hope you won't be offended by my speaking up. I mean well, honest.

    On the 2nd of May, you said that your OH had played 18 holes of golf (more than usual for him) and had arrived home very tired. Then you said that the next day, he was scheduled for 18 more holes. You expected that he would come home "mighty tired".

    Above you stated that he had been passing blood in his urine for 10 days. That means it started right after all that golf exertion. Hard exercise (especially by older men) can cause the shedding of significant blood into the urine.

    That suggests to me that his current problem may be a temporary result of the over exertion. I'm attaching a link to an article by the Mayo Clinic. They are one of the most respected research institutions in the US. Take a look at the section about  exercise by men. I'm only suggesting that this COULD be the problem. If so, it will heal.

    • Again, I'm not a doctor and I don't mean to be intrusive.


  • Lindy - I can empathise with how you and your OH must be feeling. Did the hospital give a reason as to why the test couldn’t be done today? Have they any idea what II is like to be worried and to build yourself up for something and then to be turned away. I am so sorry that happened. I do hope you can manage to have a relaxing weekend. Is the scan this coming Monday? Has today’s test been rescheduled? What a mess. Sending hugs.

  • Well, Diane's link to the Mayo Clinic seems to offer a variety of possible causes - I'm voting for kidney stones myself (didn't know they could be painless).  

  • Thank you all. No worries, Diane - any information gratefully received. I'll look into it - I've been trying not to go online for  information, & frighten myself to death!

    He says he feels well otherwise although a few weeks ago he said he had a pain in his side which has been intermittent.

    I won't go into the reasons they didn't do the test yesterday, as its too gruesome... ..

    Sunny here today and so summery. Hope to get more weeding done as they are prolific throughout the garden. Our Youngest and family are visiting us tomorrow - a rare occurrence as we usually visit them. The weather will help as we've not got much room for 3 lively children so we can go outside.

    Everyone have a nice weekend.

    Diane - wrist slapped for not telling us all how you are after your own illness! Please take care of yourself.