Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 12 May 2024


I hope everyone has or will have a chance to see the aurora. This G5 geomagnetic storm is making history as one of the three most powerful in modern times.

I have always wanted to see the aurora borealis, and it has been at the top of my bucket list for many years. Last night, the sky was overcast and rainy over my patch, although elsewhere in my area people took stunning photos of the glorious colors. Tonight, it's clear and the geomagnetic storm is even more intense. I have lingering pneumonia and raging infection, but I am determined to go outdoors around midnight and look for the lights. My land is spooky at night, because of the dark woods and the night creatures (coyotes, bobcats, bats, raccoons, barred owls...), but I WILL see the aurora!

I hope everyone has a good week!

Love and hugs to all.

  • That is so very good to read, RUSTY . What a relief for you .

  • Gorgeous Iris Rusty!  Glad you got good news: now you can relax. Enjoy your trip!! Sounds wonderful.

    Dry here this morning  then began raining this a'noon. Our journey home yesterday was so awful I won't  bore you with all the details! At least 6 bad drivers, some downright dangerous.... We were lucky a couple of times not to have a collision. Got back and  were diverted from our own neighbourhood (again!) and had to circle our town to get home. Got back weary & glad I had some frozen food to warm up & put in front of ourselves. 

    Today, I've done the usual unpacking and my OH has been busy going to the allotment to water his beans etc. and has visited a friend. We are both trying not to think about the different scenarios tomorrow. We haven't told our children or his sisters, as we want a diagnosis first. 

    Our garden is a riot of colour and full of weeds, which have enjoyed the rain. 

  • Thank you RUSTY & LINDA for flower pics.

    Good health wishes to DIANE, OG, ROSY’s OH, LINDA’s OH and anyone I’ve missed.

    What a relief RUSTY that only scar tissue. Have a great trip.

    The usual minor crises here. OH saw dentist yesterday, tooth repaired. Lawn Man has had an operation, says he will be back early next week. We have sunny days so OH has his morning apple sitting in sun on back verandah & sometimes his lunch, if a sandwich, on front step. No rain is forecast. Now I must finish vacuuming while OH is not in his TV chair.

  • Lindybird:  Well, at least you got home safely.    Lovely flowers!  Perhaps your OH's symptoms are connected to something easily fixed; still, it seems we all tend to forget that when we're facing uncertainty.  Take care....

  • LINDY: My thoughts are with you tonight. I'm sending you strength. I so hope you will receive good news about your OH's condition. I wish I could be there to lend an ear and offer support. I surely would, my friend.

    RUSTY: I can't even express how happy I am about your positive news! I'm so very glad you received it before your vacation. Now you can relax and enjoy your holiday. Your destination sounds wonderful! That iris is glorious. What a beautiful symbol for your good news. Yay!

    ROSY: I'm so sorry about your OH's condition. I know from experience how emotionally and physically demanding caregiving is. I hope the carers assigned to your OH are very good and will do as much as possible to make your life easier. I also hope they will be made available for as long as you need them. Sending you strength, my friend.

    OG: I've been glad to read that you've been able to get out of the house some, as well as work on the magazine and other activities. But I'm sorry you still have some bad days. I think of you and EE often and try to send you good energy every day, my friend. I hope J's life is improving.

    HEATHER: I hope you are getting stronger and feeling better with less pain and more mobility. I also hope your family is providing all the help you need. I know you've had a long, painful time of recovery. Hope each day is better than the last one, my friend.

    ANNETTE: I know that your OH depends on you in many ways. I hope having your family living closer is a boon to you and they're continuing to settle in well. I hope your granddaughter has found a fulfilling job that pays what she deserves. I know the cost of living is high in your state. Sending you good energy. Get some rest this summer after those months of chaos.

    HARELADY: Thanks for your kind words to me. I hope your life is going well. If I remember correctly, you retired. I recall that you cut your hours in half, but then I think you completely called it quits. I hope you are finding joy and fulfillment in your life, and your family are all well.

    PAT O: I thought you sounded tired in a couple of your last posts. I hope you are well and taking tiime to relax. Hope you can visit some fun places and have some memorable times over the summer. All it's doing is raining here.

    AQ: I can tell that your life is really hard. I was glad to see that you've had a couple of days out recently. Please pursue any help that you can get from your government and medical community. You deserve it. Sending you strength and energy my friend.

    SUNNYKATE: I know you had some hard times, and I hope you are finding peace and solace. Wishing you a good summer filled with sun and blessings.

    To those I haven't mentioned, forgive me. It's getting late here. I think of all of you.

  • Thanks for your post and kind words Diane but how are You?

  • Diane - You're amazing - an individual message for everyone, and all so thoughtful and caring.  As far as I'm concerned, yes, I am tired.  The most difficult word for so many of us to say is 'no'!  So I find myself doing far more than both my body and brain can cope with!  I keep saying that one day I will find out what retirement is supposed to be!  I am doing more now than I did when I was working - and it's all voluntary!  The main problem for me is that I enjoy everything I do and I really don't want to give anything up.  At some stage I'm going to have to make some difficult decisions - but I'm putting that time off as long as I can.  Please take care of yourself as well as caring for all of us.  Not that we don't appreciate your lovely words - we most definitely do.  But please keep enough energy for yourself.