LOCH GARTEN 2024 - May to end of season


Thread for April 2024

All pictures and videos ©️RSPBLochGarten&WildlifeWindows

Please read Korky's comprehensive March 2024 intro



Asha & Brodie

The partnership has matured this season, with Asha continuing her good female role (and she loves nest-building) and Brodie being more reliable, both fishing and incubating.

The pair have fought their way thru all kinds of nasty weather - snow, wind and rain - and intruders, including the dreaded KL5 Klive, have been a nuisance but not dangerous...

so far.

21 April @ 10:47

24 April @ 14:06

27 April @ 13:27




Sadly, the month of May heralded irresistible aggression from BlueKL5 "Klive", who had ruined the end of last season for the 2 juvies.

Within the first 2 days Klive had driven Brodie from the area (tho Brodie did return a couple of times to dive-bomb Klive, to no effect) and destroyed the eggs.  He commenced to woo Asha clumsily, selfishly and inappropriately, as can be seen from the following pages.

  • Simply lovely ''cameos'' of the chaffie Scylla. They look like book illustrations . Thank you so much. And the video with the Mistle Thrush again , just charming. I love its vocals and I think in all likelihood it was calling for its 2024 brood but love the way you  caught it eyeballing the Chaffie.

    And, what a fabulous blue sky.

  • Scylla, a question, please. I have a link for the UK Osprey information, on my tablet, that I must have found on an Osprey thread. We have a new poster, I was able to pass on information from that link, following a photo of an Osprey with a darvic ring. 

    Can I pass that link onto them, I have searched some Osprey threads where there were lots of links, but can't find it?

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

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    Catlady said:
    link for the UK Osprey informatio

    Here you go, CATLADY Hugging

    UK Osprey Information


    Not sure why I deemed it necessary to do screenshots - overkill?


    EDIT - For a permanent record, I've added the link to the Osprey Chat & CAM LINKS OP - much good may it do us, as that thread sinks without trace every year Rofl

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    23 September

    We've had Mistle Thrush, GSW, Jay and many, many littler birdies today - plus this unusual "visitor" (sorry it's misty, you shoulda seen the untreated version!) - I hope there are plans for a cam to be set up on it:


    There have been several outages but the cams are OK at the mo.

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    25 September

    There was a huge hole in its left cheek, thru which the grass on the nest could be seen - I've filled it in as best I can but don't put your magnifier on it Stuck out tongue closed eyes


    Snow on that thar hill - it lessened on the 26th:



  • Oh my goodness..  what  on earth  caused the hole. I'm really upset as how can the bird possible eat and swallow    !!!!!

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    Cirrus said:
    Oh my goodness..  what  on earth  caused the hole. I'm really upset as how can the bird possible eat and swallow    !!!!!

    I'm not sure if you're joking or not, CIRRUS - but just in case you're serious, I'll remind you of the "fault" common to all WildlifeWindows' cams - they create "artifacts" in the picture, especially when birds are flying - I've often had to paint out detached primaries from the sky, for example.  In this instance, the cam created a see-thru hole in the tit's cheek!

    Sadly, you've reminded me of the poor injured Mourning Dove who had a hole in its crop from which seeds emerged as fast as the birdie ate them - that was on the feeder in Akron Ohio, where guns abound CryAngry

    27 September

    Only the Mistle Thrush and a Chaffinch were zoomed on today:


    This one on the nest zoomed itself: