LOCH GARTEN 2024 - May to end of season


Thread for April 2024

All pictures and videos ©️RSPBLochGarten&WildlifeWindows

Please read Korky's comprehensive March 2024 intro



Asha & Brodie

The partnership has matured this season, with Asha continuing her good female role (and she loves nest-building) and Brodie being more reliable, both fishing and incubating.

The pair have fought their way thru all kinds of nasty weather - snow, wind and rain - and intruders, including the dreaded KL5 Klive, have been a nuisance but not dangerous...

so far.

21 April @ 10:47

24 April @ 14:06

27 April @ 13:27




Sadly, the month of May heralded irresistible aggression from BlueKL5 "Klive", who had ruined the end of last season for the 2 juvies.

Within the first 2 days Klive had driven Brodie from the area (tho Brodie did return a couple of times to dive-bomb Klive, to no effect) and destroyed the eggs.  He commenced to woo Asha clumsily, selfishly and inappropriately, as can be seen from the following pages.

  • 16:45:52

    Where the hell is that damn bug/spider?  Arrrgh!!

  • .

    Thank you, CANUCK - and it's goodnight from me Kissing cat

  • June 13 2024 - Day complete

    Fish: 20:10:05 (KL5)

    Mating: None

    The (S)uccess or (F)ailure indication is purely my untrained observation.  

    0 S, 0 F

  • June 14  

    4:33 Asha lands on the cam perch.  She stays on it a long time, until 8:30 when she hops down to the nest.

    8:30 Asha hops down to the nest.  She goes into her fish dance.  KL5 flies past the nest and at 8:31 lands on the old nest branch with his fish.  She is not happy!

    8:42 KL5 is on the old nest branch eating his fish.

    8:48 the fish tail goes down.  Nothing for Asha!  He feaks his beak and flies off at 8:50.

    8:57 KL5 lands on the nest perch.  Asha is still on the nest.
    Seconds later he attempts mating. She's having nothing of it.  What did he expect?!?  Doesn't help his cause to finish a fish within sight of Asha!
    She chips at him and flies off at 9:25.  A bit more preening and he leaves at 9:50 for a brief spin around the neighbourhood and is back 30 seconds later.  
    9:51:58 Asha lands on the old nest with a fish!  She is chirping at him.  He is on the nest, hears her and takes a look.  She caught that fish within 30 minutes!
    He flies off at 10:12.
    10:20 KL5 flies to the nest with a gnarly branch. Meanwhile Asha is still chirping at him. 
    Does some light housekeeping and is off at 10:27. 
    9:59 The PTZ cam finds Asha on the old nest branch with a big fish!  
    12:09  guess who shows up?  It's KL5 with his own fish.  A whopper.  He lands right beside Asha.  Hahahaha!  He is something else!
    They both tuck in.
    12:40 he flies off with his fish
    12:47 Asha flies off with her fish
  • 12:44:36 an unringed O lands on the nest.  Same as June 12.

    12:47:15 She takes off.
    12:49:14 KL5 lands with his fish.
    12:49:17 the unringed O flies in
    KL5 flaps it off.
    12:49:39 it flies by on the right.  KL5 mantles and alarm calls.
    12:49:54  It passes by a second time.
    12:51:36 KL5 flies off and away with his fish. 
    12:53:49 an O makes a brief touchdown on the old nest post and is off. 
    12:54:07 the unringed O lands on the nest.
    12:54:39 KL5 flies in with his fish and lands on the nest beside the unringed O.  He mantles. 
    12:54:44 The unringed O dives for his fish.  KL5 takes off and they both tumble over the side of the nest.
    And they fly off.
    12:55:17 the unringed O lands back on the nest.
    12:55:26  KL5 dive-bombs her.
    12:55:43  KL5 lands on the old nest branch.  The unringed O is still on the nest.  You can hear KL5 alarm calling. 
    12:55:55  KL5 dive-bombs again
    12:56:08 KL5 lands on a tree behind the nest.  He still has his fish.
    12:57:55 He takes off with his fish
    And lands back on the old nest branch where he continues to eat.  He seems unconcerned about the unringed O on the nest.
    14:47:38  The unringed O takes off
  • I'm having to set another place-holder - started doing a "14th morning" video, thinking it wouldn't be very long - but then one thing after another and I have to break off for a nap Angry

    Thank you for the multi-snap report, CANUCK !!!



    The morning until Asha and Klive end up on Odin's branch, each with their own fish:

    I didn't stay long enough to get the best shot of the two - but the colours are lovely:


    The female intruder.


    .Klive was still on Odin's perch, sopping wet, when camperson went off duty - and both cams suddenly went down for 6 minutes:


    Quote CANUCK:

    Mantle means... ... ... 3: the one-wing and same-side leg stretch. 

    I didn't know that either, thanks Canuck - but the bird world should know that I disagree with using the same term for totally different postures, they need to think up something else, grrr.

    Can any of us?  

    This is a job for (((Korky))) Heartpulse

  • June 14 2024 - Day complete

    Fish: 8:31:31 (KL5), 9:59:24 (Asha), 12:09:13 (KL5)

    Mating: 8:57 F. All with KL5

    The (S)uccess or (F)ailure indication is purely my untrained observation.  

    0 S, 1 F

  • 22:04:14  KL5 stretches one wing and the leg on the same side. 

    I learned today that that is called "mantle".  It is another meaning of that word. 

    Mantle means:1:  the feathers in the upper middle of the back that form a “V” shape below the neck feathers (the nape) on the back of the head; 2: when a raptor spreads its wings and haunches over its prey after capturing and while eating it and 3: the one-wing and same-side leg stretch.  So cool.

  • .

    I commented on your "mantle" info in my inserted post above, CANUCK Hugging

    15 June

    Asha didn't stay long on this misty morning:

    Klive turned up for much longer, he even brought a couple of sticks, eg: