LOCH GARTEN 2024 - May to end of season


Thread for April 2024

All pictures and videos ©️RSPBLochGarten&WildlifeWindows

Please read Korky's comprehensive March 2024 intro



Asha & Brodie

The partnership has matured this season, with Asha continuing her good female role (and she loves nest-building) and Brodie being more reliable, both fishing and incubating.

The pair have fought their way thru all kinds of nasty weather - snow, wind and rain - and intruders, including the dreaded KL5 Klive, have been a nuisance but not dangerous...

so far.

21 April @ 10:47

24 April @ 14:06

27 April @ 13:27




Sadly, the month of May heralded irresistible aggression from BlueKL5 "Klive", who had ruined the end of last season for the 2 juvies.

Within the first 2 days Klive had driven Brodie from the area (tho Brodie did return a couple of times to dive-bomb Klive, to no effect) and destroyed the eggs.  He commenced to woo Asha clumsily, selfishly and inappropriately, as can be seen from the following pages.

  • I think I still have 3 or 4 more parts to add once I get them recorded.

  • 19:15:47 Asha lands on the nest and gets divebombed off.  Couldn't see if it had a blue ring.
  • It is really sad watching these events unfold and I do feel for everyone.  

    My only words which hopefully are of some consolation is that KL5 is determined to have this nest and I recall another namely Blue 33(11) back in 2014 doing exactly the same - ousting the male then kicking out his eggs.  It is to be hoped KL5's determination and strength will pay off defending, providing  and protecting and we see some success here.

    And thinking back to Wonky Wing once displaced - he found another nest, mate and raised young, a couple of who have returned.   So all may not be lost.  I sincerely hope Brodie is ok and there is another nest and mate waiting for him.

  • May 2 Summary (Part 4)

    14:48:17  Unringed O lands on nest.  Both Asha and it mantle.  Hard to tell if Brodie:

    I don't think it is because lots of spots under its wing.  It may be the unringed intruder from earlier.
    Brodie also has a dip in the brown band along side of hear but this one did not:  See left O in photo below
    14:49:49 While the two are on the nest, third O hovers over nest.
    14:51:58  Both O leave when Asha flaps off the intruder on the nest.
    15:02:29 mating attempt (FIFTEENTH).  Asha flaps him off.
    15:06:00  Unringed O and Asha trade places floating up and down over nest and landing.  Both land at one point.
    15:06:23 Asha flaps him off.
    15:12:13 While Asha is on the nest, an unringed intruder is on the PTZ cam:

    15:13:09  Mating attempt by KL5.  His SIXTEENTH.  Asha flaps him off.
    15:19  Asha tangles with another O floating overhead.  She leaves the nest.  This is when she stopped incubating the eggs.
    15:23:32 Asha tangles with another O that approaches from above.  She floats up, taking some nest material with her, then floats back down to the nest.  Then flies off.
    15:26:42  Ashs gets dive bombed:
    15:46.  There are 3 osprey in play.  Asha and the one that dive bombed her.  Plus at the same time, the PTZ cam shows one on the old nest post.

    To be continued...

  • ###!!**##!!**####**!!##!!***!!......This is my list of what I really want to write. I am so sad, that KL5!! Poor Asha, what a *******day she has had, him trying to mate, okay he brought a fish, and then ousting the eggs. Things were going so well with Asha and Brodie, and where is he now!? What will happen now, will she accept him, if Bdodie does not return, is it too late for any more eggs with him. 

    All this going on and dear Laddie at LoTL, has disappeared as well. If fair breaks your heart. Off to sulk now, Disappointed relieved

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Thank you everyone for all the updates and reporting of the days sad events....... heartbreaking to read and hope Brodie and Asha are not hurt and somewhere safe! 

  • Oh, me as well, fingers crossed we see them again.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • .

    Catlady said:

    I couldn't put it better myself, CATLADY!

    In fact, I've been having the long-promised nervous breakdown and have been unable to focus ont this afternoon's footage, let alone the evening.

    Magnificent picture commentary, CANUCK!

    It's hard to believe that disaster has struck the 2 most iconic nests in the land.

  • May 2 Summary (Part 5)

    15:26:40  KL5 on top of old nest post
    15:31:26  An O divebombs Asha.  She flies off the nest.
    15:33:45  KL5 lands on nest and leaves shortly after
    15:34:58 Unringed intruder lands on the nest and is then chased off.  
    15:35:10  Three O in play in the air:
    15:38:50 Unringed intruder lands on the nest again but is then chased off seconds later at 15:38:59
    15:39:00 Another unringed osprey lands on the nest and is also chased off at 15:39:25.  I have no idea who the 2 different unringed osprey are.  Maybe one is Brodie???

    Everybody is flying around at this point.

    15:44:07 Asha lands on the nest

    Seconds later she is divebombed and leaves at 15:44:25

    To be continued... 

  • May 2 Summary (Part 6)

    15:50:02 Unringed osprey lands on the nest.  Not Asha. Is chased off:
    15:52:05 KL5 lands on the nest.  He moves some branches and stands on the eggs.  Leaves at 15:55:00
    15:55:01 Unringed O lands and leaves at 15:55:16
    15:58:19 KL5 back on the nest. Nest cups, scratches, 
    16:04:35  KL5 moves one egg to the right.
    16:04:56  KL5 floats upward and flies off
    16:05:00  Asha lands on the nest
    16:05:06  Asha is dive-bombed by unringed O and Asha flies off chasing
    16:05:17 Unringed osprey drops down into the nest.  Not Asha.  Is chased off at 16:05:38
    16:05:39  Unringed O floats up and battles with another O above the nest.  Both fly off.
    16:09:07  Kl5 returns to the nest.  Lots of nest cupping and scratching.
    16:12:10  KL5 kicks egg over the side.
    16:13:10  KL5 pecks at an egg.  Can hear a crunch.
    16:13:13 picks up egg with his beak and drops it to the edge of the nest
    16:14:05 KL5 flies up and floats above nest while Asha flies down onto nest.
    16:14:10  KL5 lands back down on the nest and both are on it.
    16:14:18  A third osprey zooms in and strafes the nest and knocks KL5 from the nest.  Asha flies off at 16:14:25.
    16:22:17 KL5 lands back on the nest.  Continues to stomp on remaining egg in nest cup, scratching, kicking.  Leaves at 17:05:23
    To be continued...