This site is now a nightmare. With no guidance from as yet from the RSPB we are in a right pickle.
So can we come together as the Loch Garten Forum and try to agree a common approach / procedure for posting:
Everyone, please put forward your views and between us we’ll try and whip up something.
Sorry Sheila, just can't quite visualise what you are saying, is it a lot more confusing than we already have ... maybe just too late in the day for me ... have another look tomorrow!
2013 photos & vids here
eff37 on Flickr
I must have beeb tired when I wrote this, I tried to delete it, but apparently I don't have permission to do so. I've deleted it manually.
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018
Didn't mean to criticise and make you delete your post Sheila, please don't let me put you off ... I know I am tired after trying to understand this infuriating forum day after day since it went pear-shaped (that's the polite terminology)
Sorry to see you have deleted your post Sheila, I was going to respond today as you covered quite a bit. We're all tired and I thought your post demonstrated that - we really are turning in circles but just you (and everyone) post what you feel - if nothing else we are getting a little of our chest xx
Thanks Catlady and yes it is indeed a ( XX ) mess !! Also for the heads up re page numbers. Lots of good info and more frequent threads so far seem favoured. Something is happening just now about page numbers and if reintroduced and work for us, we may not have to. Next couple of days may be interesting ???
Seems to be something we all want Annette. Reports some threads have it in wildlife but I can't find them. We continue to live in hope.
I have seen the one thread that has page numbers but it's not on our forum, is on the 'rspb nature' site, can't remember exactly where it is, Kate knows as she posted about it the other day!
WendyBartter said:Kate knows as she posted about it the other day!
Ha!! is it this one?
IMPORTANT: Upcoming Changes to the Community
I cant see the page numbers and I cannot even find where the thread is posted Doh!! I have it bookmarked ,only way I can find it.
I'm lost here and that aint hard lol
Catlady posted - quote "noticed on the thread Bird box location, THERE ARE PAGE NUMBERS"
I cant find that thread far less page nos lol - just the same as you SK2
Not that one Kate, maybe it wasn't you, so much going on, if I come across it I'll post it here!