For this year’s opener, I’m starting with AG’s recent comments (end of August 2023-February 2024) which give an insight to what’s been going on at Llyn Brenig.


“There are some posts on the Brenig Osprey Project Facebook page with camera trap images and videos of voles, foxes and a family of otters.

There is also an appeal for additional viewing equipment. The osprey watchpoint has a new verandah which will be a better base for scopes.

There is a volunteer recruitment event at Llyn Brenig on 25 February if anyone in the region wants to join the merry band.

All details at www.facebook.com/brenigospreyproject


“Just a little more info on preparations at Llyn Brenig. The nest is on a pole in the water just into the reservoir from a peninsula, which was tree covered, As explained in the conservation plan plan prepared by Tim Mackrill, the trees have been felled over the last 2 years (they were mature and ready for use as timber). The brash from the felling has been gathered up and used to create a barrier across the peninsula in line with the hide which is there. Some tree stumps were left near the nest last year after the first stage of felling were used by the ospreys as perches for eating, and are still there. Last year the hide could not be used in moderate or high winds due to the risk of trees falling on it; that is no longer a concern. If you scroll up to Glider's post on 31 August above you can see the trees which have now been felled, and the hide in the middle of the line of trees.

Both cameras are still streaming - there is snow on the hills around the reservoir this morning.”

Background to the nest:-

Again, many thanks to AG  who wrote this preface to the Llyn Brenig thread for us below.  (I’ve just edited extra information)

Llyn Brenig is a reservoir on the border between Denbighshire and County Conwy in North Wales. It is managed by Welsh Water;  the osprey project is a partnership between them and North Wales Wildlife Trust.

One pair of ospreys (Blue HR7 (M) 2014  Lake Menteith, Scotland and Blue 24 (F) 2010 nr Rutland)  raised a single chick here each year from 2018-2020,  Z9 (F) Luned, KA5 (M) Roli and KC5 (F) respectively. Sadly, KC5 died after fledging, colliding with a wind turbine.

Neither of this breeding pair returned in 2021, when the nest was taken over by 2 Scottish birds, LJ2 (male) and LM6 (female), both 2018 chicks. The nest was vandalised the night after LM6 had laid her first egg; while the two could not continue to breed they did stay close to the site until normal migration time.

A new nest was erected in 2022 with additional security and a streaming camera in place. A new hide was also built.

LJ2 and LM6 returned in 2022 and successfully fledged 2 chicks, X6 Olwen (F) and KA9 Gelert (M) 

LM6 lost her blue darvic ring on the nest. It was later recovered by Welsh Water and kept for display.

2023 saw LJ2 and LM6 return to breed and successfully raise 2 female chicks 7B5 (Dilys) and 7B6 (Mari) 


2022 - LJ2 April 6th       -    LM6 April 10th

2023 - LJ2 March 31st    -    LM6 April 4th

2024 - LJ2 March 31st (07.02hrs) LM6 sadly hasn’t yet returned. Blue 372 (translocation Poole Harbour 2021) visited April 1st then stayed April 6th

Eggs laid 2024

#1 23 April - 17.40,  #2 26 April - 19.28,  #3 29 April - 15.46

Hatched  2024

2 June - 00.52, 4 June - 09.45ish.

Links to

August 2023 to February 2024

North Wales Wildlife Trust Page https://www.northwaleswildlifetrust.org.uk/days-out/ospreys-llyn-brenig

Welsh Water Page https://llynbrenig.com/llyn-brenig-osprey/

Osprey Project Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/brenigospreyproject

Friends of Llyn Brenig Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/FriendsofLlynBrenigBlue24

Llyn Brenig YouTube Channel for Live Stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOGHtmoEY7w

Llyn Brenig PTZ camera for off nest live stream PTZ live stream

All captures and videos ©️ NWWT, Welsh Water, Brenig Osprey Project

LM6 (left) and LJ2 April 2023

  • Good grief, what a 'to-do'! Scream

    Many thanks for great reporting! Thumbsup

  • 8 April

    An eventful morning already.

    372 stayed in the area overnight, LJ2 has been skydancing, both birds have been on the nest and LJ2 has caught 2 fish.

    06.00 LJ2 skydancing for 372

    06.03 LJ2 coy mantling 

    06.09 372 found a leftover straggly piece of fish on the nest

    06.20 An unsuccessful mating attempt but 372 didn’t lift her wing straight away to shrug LJ2 off. It happened a few seconds later!

    07.44 372 flew onto the nest from a nearby tree to meet LJ2 as he landed with a very live fish.

    She quickly took the fish

    08.02 As she ate, the gulls started squawking and LJ2 was flying towards the nest. 372 hurriedly left with her fish.

    08.03 She returned a minute later without it. Weary

    08.56 LJ2 brought her another Slight smile

    08.58 LJ2 had a couple of wee pecks of the fish before 372 took it.

    09.02 372 eating some of the fish

    09.06 before she flew off with it to the branches of the tree to the right of her.

    09.26 she returned to the nest with the fish.

    09.29 372 released the fish from her talons

    09.29 LJ2 had been watching nearby and flew in with a precision landing on the fish, secured it and took it away.

    leaving 372 on the nest. She does seem to like it here. 

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • Brenig posted a video of Blue 416’s visit to the nest yesterday, along with today’s latest post.

    Brenig Osprey Project FB

  •  09.56 After eating, LJ2 returned with the fish.  

    10.04 372 has started bringing nesting material in.

    10.05 LJ2 left, did a loop and landed on the nest perch.

    10.06 He flew up from the perch and landed with the fish on 372’s head. Oops! 

     Unperturbed, 372 took the fish to eat some more. LJ2 ate some more.

    10.59 The fish was eventually left in the middle of the nest. LJ2 was next to it shifting some sticks.

    372 flew up and landed on LJ2’s back

    She flew off leaving LJ2 thinking What happened there?! Smile

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • 11.49 372 tackling the fish tail.

    12.21 LJ2 bringing in more nesting materials.

    12.25 372 brings in some bark as well

    12.26 LJ2 glides off

    quickly followed by 372 a few seconds later.

    12.43 Nest raid for scraps whilst the ospreys are away.

    I’ve not seen either of the birds back on the nest since, although LJ2 was on the tower cam for around 15 minutes. 

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • A brilliant summary, Glider.  I'm sorry the resident female hasn't arrived yet.  There is still time.  But I am glad that 372 may have finally found a mate and a nest.  She has been trying for two years.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Thanks Sheila. I am crossing everything for LM6’s return. Fingers crossed I really thought she’d come back earlier this year as she had to chase off a female on the nest last year when she returned on the 6th. I know there are still many birds arriving daily and she could be here any minute. Pray

    We’ll just have to watch and wait to see what happens over the next few days. 

    I haven’t seen 372 since she flew off the nest at 12.26 this afternoon. 

  • 16.40 LJ2 brought a headless fish to the nest.

    16.41 He waited and looked around, holding onto the fish.


    16.49 LJ2 left with his fish

    and flew to the tree post circled.

    16.50 A minute later he left the post and seemed to hover around the tower.

    When he arrived at the nest, his fish was gone. I suspect he dropped it where he was hovering.

    16.53 He shifted some bits n pieces on the nest.

    16.58 He didn’t stay long and flew to the tower cam.

    17.08 He’s been back at the nest a few times nestorising.




    He flew upwards from the nest at 18.27 and hasn’t yet returned. (19.40)

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • 20.28 Ah, LJ2 has been away fishing again. His 4th catch of the day. He has eaten the head and returned to the tower cam with it,

    He’s still looking for 372 or LM6, waiting patiently.


    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP

  • 9 April

    What dreadful weather overnight and this morning. LJ2 clung to his fish on the tower cam in the wind and rain before leaving at 06.10.

    06.45 A blue ring, right legged visitor arrived on the nest. Yes, 372 was back.

    Within seconds, LJ2 was arriving with his fish from last night.

    He landed with soft contact calls and went straight into mantling.

    06.46 He left again within half a minute.

    372 waited and started fish calling

    07.04 LJ2 returned with his fish.

    372 quickly took it

    07.06  and flew off with it a couple of minutes later.

    She landed on a feeding post LJ2 uses.

    LJ2 stayed on the nest for an hour just looking around. He’s absolutely drookit, which is the best word I can use to describe him being soaking wet!

    08.05 He then left the nest and flew down to the same area 372 was in.

    ©️NWWT, WW, BOP