LOCH OF THE LOWES - March 2024

Monthly links to all the blogs and updates throughout the whole of the 2023 season, can be found on the August 2023 OP here

Webcam page with links to LotL Visitor Centre and Wildlife Reserve FB, Twitter, Blogs and to Donate >>>


For the current 'LIVE' YouTube link, visit >>> https://www.youtube.com/@ScottishWildlifeTrustvideos/streams

The Osprey Protection Programme at Loch of the Lowes is supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery, with funds awarded by Postcode Planet Trust

All captures and videos ©Scottish Wildlife Trust/Loch of the Lowes


2023 return dates: NC0(16) - 17.3.23 (07:43)  Laddie (LM12) - 17.3.23 (13:43)

Well, what an end the 2023 season turned out to be! Who can forget the battle for the nest between both juveniles, PF4(F) & PF5(M), and then to see the total domination and aggression by the eldest when 'owning' the nest, not only to her sibling but also to dear Laddie when he provided her with fish. The season synopsis can be read in the final LotL Osprey Diary here.  Did NC0 leave early to undertake her southerly migration on the 15th July, or could there have been another reason for her not to be seen on the webcam or around the reserve?

We wait in anticipation for Laddie and NC0's safe return to Loch of the Lowes. Let us very much hope for a 'fraught-free' 2024 season...


Nest Updates

Arrival dates:  NC0(16) - 8.3.24 (17:52)   Laddie (LM12) - 27.3.24 (16:38) 


March Blogs and Updates (published dates)

9.3.24: SWT video >>> Female osprey NC0 returning to the nest

12.3.24: SWT/LotL blog >>> Breeding female osprey NC0 returns early

22.3.24: SWT video >>> Female Osprey NC0 has an Unexpected Visitor

27.3.24: LotL Fb >>> PH2(17) F, visited a nest in the Lake District (25.3.24). Link to Fb post here

28.3.24: SWT video >>> Resident Male Osprey LM12 Returns to the Nest

28.3.24: SWT/LotL blog >>> Breeding osprey pair reunited at Loch of the Lowes Wildlife Reserve

  • The male (our Laddie) hadn't brought a fish for 2 days!  Did anyone catch what year it was? 

    It was filmed last May Scylla. Great to watch!

  • 30th March

    Morning All

    Laddie arrived very early at 4:50

    5:07 NC0 joined him

    Mating at 5:40

    Again at 6:08

    Unringed intruder at 6:42. NC0, left, and Laddie on alert

    Intruder, top left

    Laddie giving chase

    6:53 Mating


  • Mating, 8:32

    Again at 8:58

    9:22 Scene at present - both nice and relaxed


    I'm out and about today. BFN

  • Great updates, thanks Sandra 

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Laddie certainly making sure there will be eggs!!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Yes Wendy and NC0 is a lot more obliging than I remember her in previous years! Maybe that long wait did the trick! Joy

  • Just a few things that caught my eye while scrolling through the footage (the cam did go offline some time mid-morning, captures from the beginning of the new streaming)

    11:00 There was an unseen intruder around

    Laddie chipped

    He flew off

    16:06 NC0 had been fish calling, staring up to the cam post. Down came Laddie with a headless fish

    With the fish in her left talons, she took it off the nest

    NC0 arrived onto the nest perch at 19:16, without any fish, and feaked her beak. Laddie was on the birch

    He came to the nest almost immediately afterwards

    19:18 NC0 flew off and could be seen dipping her talons in the water close to the birch area

    Laddie flew off...

    ...and NC0 headed towards the nest

    Laddie (upper) heading to the birch, NC0 on her way towards the nest


    At present, 20:53, NC0 has remained on the perch


  • 31st March

    Morning All

    NC0 roosted on the nest perch all night. This taken at 6:03

    Laddie made his first appearance at 6:07, flying in to mate. That warmed him up on a frosty morning!

    Another mating at 8:00

    10:03 No comment necessary! lol

    They have also been carrying out some nest work in between their 'get-togethers'! Wink

    10:11 NC0 at present


  • Happy Easter Sandra and All 

    Thank you for all your updates so pleased that Laddie is back and all on track.... He was giving us a bit of concern! 

    Going to watch the Michael Portillo as saw it was on so thank you for the link! 

    Hoping that fish is more on the menu this year and that everything is more settled for these two as they deserve it..... And so do we lol! 

  • Good morning, LAM, Happy Easter!

    You're very welcome - enjoy the programme!

    Yes, I think we need a very settled season for Laddie and NC0, and us too! Fingers crossedSlight smile