Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 28 January 2024


I hope everyone has a good week.

Good to see that OG may be returning soon. I've missed her. Wishing her and EE the best. Also, I'm so pleased that HEATHER will be released from the hospital! 

I have no stories to tell this week. I've been hibernating like an old bear. Seriously. The temperature has warmed a bit, but we've had many days of VERY dense fog, freezing rain, and snow. I miss the sun!

Hugs and love to all.

  • Lindybird: What a ghastly welcome home. Do they know yet what happened?

    Yet another busy day with way too much incoming information. Whatever happened to all the puttering I used to do?

    Take care everyone.

  • Busy days for Rusty and Annette - hope its quieter today! You are a good friend Rusty.

    My cousin has been told that the pipes in their roof must have frozen hard in the very cold spell we had, then cracked when they thawed out. I suppose that it was partly because the house was cold and empty. The damage is extensive- new carpets will be needed, a lot of furniture is ruined and so is the kitchen. They are expecting to need to stay in rented accommodation for months whilst it's cleared up and new ceilings are put in. Dreadful.

    Sunny here now this morning, and I've just done a tour of the garden where the snowdrops are waiting to pop, and other bulbs are coming up in tubs.

  • And one just opening today!! Hope the frost doesn't get it!

  • RUSTY What a good friend you are.

    LINDY What a disaster for your cousins, I guess it will take a good while before they can move back home.
  • Lindy - the neighbour of the friend whose computer I looked at yesterday has a camellia in flower!!! It’s very early isn’t it?

    The damage in your cousin’s house sounds horrendous. Really upsetting for them.

    Annette - you sound really busy.

    I was told of a pond in Prestatyn where a kingfisher had been showing really well so, this morning, a couple of friends and I set off to have a look. Frost jib was to find the pond! Actually, it wasn’t difficult as a group of people was on the pavement clustered around it. Sure enough, there was the kingfisher posing beautifully on a branch. The sunlight showed its spectacular colours off wonderfully. (Clare would have been able to take great photos) It then dived and caught a fish, flew up to a branch where it proceeded to kill the fish and eat it. It was still there when we dragged ourselves away.

    We went to the promenade at Prestatyn and had a bracing walk. The tide was coming in. Turnstones were pottering about at the waters edge.

    We had a nice light lunch in the Nova sports centre there (dogs allowed) and then visited a small nature reserve on the way home. What a lovely day.

  • Lovely photo Rusty. Camellias are common here; they are all starting to bloom now; interesting given that the two climate zones are so different!

    Lindybird: I remember in our ancient old house in the UK (only ancient by U.S. standards), we'd leave the faucets running or wrap the outside pipes during the really cold spells.... That's a real disaster for your cousins; massive amounts of work and expense. Hope their insurance covers it all...

    Yes, really busy. Arghhh.
  • Food shopping, weeding,(until I disturbed a million ants), arranged a church photo visit Friday morning. Fingers crossed nothing intervenes.
  • What a difference a day makes. Yesterday we had a lovely walk round Loch an Eilein in glorious weather and today was a struggle to leave the house as it is blowing a hoolie. Yesterday we enjoyed coffee and eats at Ryvoan cafe in Aviemore both before and after our walk. It is a fairly new find and not to be missed.
  • Dibnlib - so pleased you had a lovely walk yesterday. It is blowing a hoolie here too. Most unexpected! I have been to rescue the bins yet again!
    AQ - hope you get to go on your little trip to photograph churches.