Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 28 January 2024


I hope everyone has a good week.

Good to see that OG may be returning soon. I've missed her. Wishing her and EE the best. Also, I'm so pleased that HEATHER will be released from the hospital! 

I have no stories to tell this week. I've been hibernating like an old bear. Seriously. The temperature has warmed a bit, but we've had many days of VERY dense fog, freezing rain, and snow. I miss the sun!

Hugs and love to all.

  • Thank you, Diane. Apart from AQ, I expect we are all looking forward to spring ...
  • Thank you Diane. :-) A busy week gone - and another on the horizon with new windows being installed in the condo, countertop being installed and various loose ends needing to be sorted. Am reading everyone's posts to remind myself that some thing are going on normally somewhere! Great to hear that OG may be back with her down-to-earth opinions and that Heather is heading home. It's no fun when people we care about are off the radar. Hugs to all.
  • DIANE – Indiana was on our news this evening. Camels and zebras roaming. But not near your patch I presume.

    HEATHER – Great news that you will be home soon.

    Thank you DIBNLIB for contacting OG. I hope she can return to us soon.

    PAT – I am looking forward to autumn, although we have had very little really hot weather and no 10-day long blazing heat. Shhh, don’t remind the weather gods.

    Dau & appendages dropped in late afternoon after a trip to the beach. The Trio were full of excitement sharing all the activities they have enjoyed over the last 6 weeks. From Monarto Zoo to jigsaws to wildlife film to reading and more. The new school year begins tomorrow. For Miss12 a new school, new uniform; she has finished with Primary School and will be one of the “little ones” at High School.

  • Happy Sunday all. Thanks Diane once again and hope the warmth and sun return soon.

    AQ Like you, my Grandaughter has progressed to secondary school and is doing well. She has just had a poem printed in a book being published next month by Young Writers online. It was a compeition ran with all schools taking part on the theme of "This Is Me - Verse, Laughter, And Friendship" We are all super proud of her.

    Ive started applying for a part-time job as I need to use my brain a bit more and mix with more people - had one interview with a local book shop but I think I was a bit older than they wanted. but they said they will let me know for definite next week. Fingers crossed.

    Thanks for the update on OG & EE and hope we will see her on here soon

    Take care all and keep safe.

  • Thank you Diane. Hope your weather isn’t too bad.
    Good news that OG is hoping to be back with us. I have missed her contributions.
    AQ - my niece and family arrived back from Adelaide yesterday. Fortunately it isn’t too cold here. It sounds as if they have had a wonderful time and the little one has been able to play with her cousins.
    Harelady - very interesting that you are looking for a part time job. I hope you get the one in the bookshop. When I first retired I did volunteering. I read for the local Talking Newspaper for the Blind and I helped with kids groups at the local nature reserve (pond dipping etc) Both activities stopped for Covid of course and the TN hasn’t got going again. I think my days of bending down and pond dipping for a whole day at a time are over, so I haven’t gone back to the nature reserve. I did enjoy both volunteering opportunities though and met some lovely people over the years.
  • HARELADY Good luck and lovely news of your Granddaughter.
  • Unknown said:
    We are all super proud of her.

    Well done am sure you all are, and we would love to have a read 'if allowed'Ha!!

    Good luck with job, silly people ,if they dont value your lifes wisdom, to promote their good selves, Fingers crossed.

    OG,,,,,we all waiting XXx


  • Coming on here with some trepidation -- it's often difficult on a Bird Watch weekend. I sat for an hour with a cuppa and a sheet of paper this morning watching for something exotic to arrive, but very ordinary birds today, snd interrupted several times by a fat grey squirrel who has discovered our peanut feeder so of course, the birds kept flying off. Grrr. I did let Bonnie out a couple of times but the squirrel is getting used to being disturbed so soon came back!

    Harelady, that's good news - well done to your talented granddaughter.

    I too think about OG and EE - thank you, Dibnlib for news.
  • View of the sunrise from our window this morning.

  • Harelady - you must be so proud of your granddaughter. What an achievement.

    Lindy - I too did the birdwatch. Sadly, it was probably the least productive I have done over the last 20 years from the point of view of numbers and variety of species. House sparrows were the clear winners in my garden. Glad the robin came in my hour.

    Lundy - here is the sunrise taken from my front door this morning. We were lucky in this neck of the woods weren’t we?